All Primary care articles – Page 281

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Solid data bears comparison


    Hospital discharge planning decisions need hard facts to back them up, as Mathew Mackenzie and Marion Scholes explain

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    Smoking cessation more successful in deprived areas, says report


    Primary care trusts in areas of deprivation are providing the best approach to reducing smoking levels, says the Healthcare Commission in a report today.Half the PCTs rated excellent were in deprived areas where smoking is most prevalent.Read the report here

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    Doctors call for more allergy specialists


    There is a need for more allergy specialists and better training for health professionals, a delegation of doctors from the medical royal colleges has told the Lords' science and technology committee.The committee is overseeing an ongoing investigation into allergy and allergic diseases.Find out more here

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    New bursary scheme announced


    The Department for Health has announced changes to the September 2007 NHS bursary scheme.Rent will become a deductible expense for all student nurses, midwives, allied health professionals and medical and dental students, when calculating their childcare allowances.The changes have been agreed with unions, and they include an increase in the ...

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    Nursing code gets overhaul


    The Nursing and Midwifery Council is reviewing its rulebook for UK nurses and midwives. The Code of Conduct is to be made clearer and updated to reflect today's healthcare needs.The draft code was agreed in December and the NMC will be holding a series of focus groups and seminars around ...

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    Report calls for more support for employing disabled people


    Employers should be trained in the support available in employing a disabled person, according to the Public Accounts Committee.A report on the Department for Work and Pension's support for disabled people says more flexible employment advice should be given to disabled people, that current service provision is patchy and that ...

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    Commission appoints new head of independent healthcare


    The Healthcare Commission has appointed Jon Billings as head of independent healthcare.Mr Billing has been acting in the post since March 2006 and was previously in charge of the Commission's London and South East Region operations team.He takes the role as the commission moves to inspecting fewer independent healthcare sites ...

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    Guidelines aim to tackle medicine supply problems


    The government and the pharmaceutical industry have joined forces to beat medicine supply problems in England.The Department of Health, the Association of British Pharmaceutical Industry and the British Generic Manufacturers Association have produced guidelines to ensure unavoidable shortages are handled more collaboratively in the future.Read the guidelines here

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    NHS should treat gambling addiction


    The British Medical Association has called for gambling treatment to be made available on the NHS.In recommendations to help healthcare professionals deal with the growing problem of gambling addiction, it calls for gambling operators to pay at least £10m a year to fund research, prevention and intervention programmes.From September new ...

  • Comment

    Rotherham chief executive Brian James on why Gerry Robinson can't fix the NHS


    'Disappointingly, Sir Gerry never seized the opportunity to explore and challenge consultants as to how they could be more efficient and productive, which is ultimately the key to eradicating waiting times. The opportunity was sacrificed for a much simpler story of consultants versus managers, with both sides presented as stereotypes.'

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    A prescription for professionalism


    What ideas like NHS independence lack is not the eye-catching headline or even the fine detail but the implementation and local connection

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    Dentistry services on the increase


    The amount of dental services commissioned by the NHS is continuing to rise, according to the latest figures from the Department of Health.The figures also show that since the new dental contract was introduced last April, more services have been recommissioned than were lost in rejected contracts by dentists.Read the ...

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    DoH publishes pharmacy contract review


    The DoH has published its review of contractual arrangements in the retail pharmaceutical sector and the impact of reforms to the 'control of entry' system.The review found that the market has been opened up by the reforms and that twice as many pharmacies opened in 2005-06 than in any year ...

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    US best practice on diabetes care


    Knowledge gained from a Health Foundation fellowship trip to the US is being brought into play in Bolton

  • HSJ Knowledge

    US best practice on diabetes care


    Knowledge gained from a Health Foundation fellowship trip to the US is being brought into Bolton

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Doncaster PCT: helping incapacity benefit claimants back into work


    A new local occupational health service has resulted from a project that focused on incapacity benefit claimants.

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    Winners of the Health Foundation Leadership Fellows award scheme


    Sixteen healthcare professionals have been selected to join the Health Foundation's prestigious Leadership Fellows award scheme.

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    Dr Pat Troop on managing the Polonium-210 outbreak


    Staff have learned what it is like to work intensively at that speed under public and political scrutiny, and it has been useful training for future events, such as pandemic flu

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    Trust chiefs warned on race compliance


    The Commission for Racial Equality is going to get tougher on NHS organisations that fail to meet race relations legislation, according to NHS chief executive David Nicholson.He has written to trust chief executives to alert them that the CRE 'will be taking a more proactive stance in exercising their enforcement ...

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    Campaign to bring cold comfort for older people


    The Department of Health is using tomorrow's St Hilary's day - the coldest day of the year, according to folklore - to raise the profile of its Keep Warm Keep Well campaign. It offers advice to older people, disabled people, those on low incomes and anyone else who needs it ...