All Primary care articles – Page 283

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Early intervention in psychosis team


    Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster's early intervention in psychosis team has a range of help available over a three-year period for clients aged 14 to 35 who have experienced an episode of psychosis.

  • News

    'Hooked' stop smoking campaign launched


    A campaign that shows people being seized by fish hooks and dragged to their smoking spots has been launched. The campaign, which includes TV adverts, outdoor advertising, direct mail and a dedicated website, reveals that the average smoker needs over 5,000 cigarettes a

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Legal briefing: medical care for prisoners


    The challenges faced by primary care trusts in delivering health services to prisoners have been seriously underestimated, says David Lock

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    David Peat on lost baggage and fielding complaints


    'I always try to acknowledge a complaint myself when it arrives on our doorstep, and I always sign off our response. It helps me keep in touch with patients' perceptions - their sense of grievance, injustice or perplexity.'

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    David Peat on lost baggage and fielding complaints


    'I always try to acknowledge a complaint myself when it arrives on our doorstep, and I always sign off our response. It helps me keep in touch with patients' perceptions - their sense of grievance, injustice or perplexity.'

  • News

    Legal age to buy tobacco to rise


    The legal minimum age to buy tobacco is to rise from 16 to 18 on 1 July. The move is intended to make it easier for retailers to spot under-age smokers and reduce the numbers of teenagers who smoke. A campaign to raise awareness of the change will be launched ...

  • News

    2007 a make or break year for NHS, says think tank


    A failure to tackle rising costs and to invest in modern services means that 2007 is a make or break year for the NHS, according to a report by think tank Reform. The report says the service's long-term strength has been sapped by the lack of an underpinning costed reform ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    At your service


    The government and PCTs are contemplating the benefits of community foundation trusts, but are they really the future for provider services, asks Kaye McIntosh

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    Simon Stevens on powering reforms


    Almost everywhere you look, it is possible to see the NHS equivalent of electricity transmission losses

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Power of two


    A new bill will oblige councils and primary care trusts to work together. In a joint feature with Local Government Chronicle, Kaye McIntosh asks how it will work in practice

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    Speak out


    The IPPR's Joe Farrington-Douglas says private companies may be able to give valuable support to commissioners - but decisions about who gets what healthcare must remain public and accountable

  • News

    Non-executive was unlawfully sacked


    The Appointments Commission has admitted unlawfully sacking a non-executive director of a primary care trust who opposed an ill-fated independent treatment centre contract.

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    SHAs to review need for PCT top-slicing


    NHS North West is the first strategic health authority to confirm that it will not top-slice money from primary care trusts this financial year.

  • News

    Some trusts will stay in red, MPs warn


    Some NHS trusts will never get back into financial balance, one of the government's turnaround advisers has admitted.

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    PCTs told to be ready for patient moves


    Primary care trusts will have to respond quickly to movements of patients between GP practices when the results of the national patient survey are published, according to new guidance from the Department of Health.

  • News

    Monitor settles payment by results row


    A public dispute between the foundation trust and primary care trust in Bournemouth over payments under payment by results has been settled.

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    Mixed picture on PBC uptake


    More than 40 per cent of GP practices have begun to adopt practice-based commissioning, according to government figures published today.

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    Michael White on politics


    Halfway through the Queen's Speech debate's NHS segment, Judy Mallaber, former Unison researcher and now Labour MP for Amber Valley, shamed us all by diverting from local UK problems to those of the Democratic Republic of the Congo whose recent elections the MP had helped to monitor for fairness.

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    Michael White on politics


    It is the Hewitt-Blair vision of US-style competing hospitals which causes offence to activists in Wales

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    Michael white on politics


    Devolving power to the front line is a crucial test for Brown, an instinctive centraliser.