All Primary care articles – Page 285

  • News

    Media Watch


    Thousands of junior doctors are to be shipped abroad, The Daily Telegraph said this week as it claimed 'up to 10,000 young doctors unable to find NHS jobs could be offered voluntary work overseas'.

  • Comment

    Media Watch


    What Gordon Brown's premiership will mean for the health service has yet to be seen, but one thing is certain: the NHS is bound for more tumultuous times.

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    Media watch


    The Timesreported that the proposed deal has 'astonished critics of Novation in the US'

  • Comment

    Media Watch


    'The backlash came fast and furious. Leading doctors? Bully boys intent on pushing homeopathy out of the NHS, said the What Doctors Don't Tell You website'

  • News

    PCTs oppose Manchester maternity shake-up


    Plans for a shake-up of children's and maternity services in Manchester are under fire because one corner of the city could be left without inpatient services.

  • News

    PCTs want new look at politics


    The relationship between the NHS and politicians needs to be 'redefined', according to an NHS Confederation poll of primary care trust managers.

  • News

    Target-chasing managers suffer 'pathological' levels of stress


    Too many new policies, a lack of coherent strategy and invasive performance management are creating 'pathological' levels of stress among NHS middle managers, an NHS Confederation report has warned.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Patient safety: making the most of an incident


    Reporting of patient safety incidents in Cambridge City and South Cambridgeshire primary care trusts has been relatively low. An incident learning group, formed in 2004, brings together clinicians and managers to review incident reports, formal complaints and patient advice and liaison services data. Discussion enables common themes and areas of ...

  • Comment

    Your Humble Servant: the new SHA


    To: Don Wise, chief executiveFrom: Paul Servant, assistant chief executiveRe: Strategic hip authority

  • Comment

    Your Humble Servant: Tory policy


    To: Don Wise, chief executive

  • Comment

    Noel Plumridge on PFI passions running high


    'Call a handyman to fit a notice board? Oh no, you'll need a quote from the PFI company'

  • Comment

    Simon Stevens on winning hearts and minds


    'NHS targets have not yet been tough enough (yes you read that right) to alter public perception'

  • News

    PCT 'voice' to be heard


    An organisation to provide a voice for primary care trusts in the NHS Confederation is due to be launched next month.

  • Comment

    Healthcheck ratings: tougher test means story must be retold


    The Healthcare Commission said it would be a tougher test - and so it has proved. In the first national healthcheck ratings only two dozen organisations were rated excellent for service quality, and even fewer for their use of resources. Only half of NHS organisations met all the core standards, ...

  • News

    Inside track: public health


    What's on managers' minds this week

  • News

    How to run health networks for young people


    The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health has released a report calling for health services for children and young people to be delivered within networks of care.

  • News

    Are GPs making inappropriate referrals to orthopaedic surgeries?


    General practitioners have a pivotal role in providing medical care for the NHS - acute referrals to various hospital specialties are often arranged by them. But inappropriate referrals can cause unnecessary inconvenience for the patients and affect the target times for care provision in A&E.

  • News

    GP rewards for innovation


    Primary care trusts should 'invest to save' by handing out more cash incentives to GP practices to help with achieving system reform priorities, the government has said.

  • News

    Tribute to 'hounded' GP


    Health chiefs who were accused of 'hounding' a GP who eventually hanged himself have set up an award to commemorate his work.

  • News

    Lord Warner to limit GP pensions


    The government has moved to limit increases in GP pensions, claiming patient services could be at risk if it did not act.