All Primary care articles – Page 287

  • News

    DoH: public health must 'focus on outcomes'


    NHS public health professionals must become effective commissioners and beef up their analytical skills if new joint strategic needs assessment work alongside local government is to be effective.

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    GMC offers an end to doctors' self-regulation


    The General Medical Council has proposed an historic change to its make-up that would effectively end self-regulation of the medical profession.

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    Doctors slam reform plans


    Doctors would not be prepared to pay to be regulated by a body which did not represent their profession, the chair of the British Medical Association has said.

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    Patient top-up fees on rise, say doctors


    Patients are increasingly having to pay top-up fees for private care because of budget cuts in the NHS and long waiting times, according to a report by pressure group Doctors for Reform.

  • Comment

    Wanted: doctors to help redesign services


    The need for more doctors to take on a management role has almost become a mantra, yet progress has been painfully slow. Penny Dash and Pam Garside examine the challenges and opportunities

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    Doctors question NHS Direct


    Doctors have called on the government to re-evaluate NHS Direct as it is increasing their workload.

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    A different kind of revolution


    Northern Ireland's streamlining of its public sector promised to be a less brutal process than England's. But some big holes in performance measurement brought challenges of its own, writes Daloni Carlisle

  • HSJ Knowledge

    International development: 'Go and tell people what it's like here'


    In the midst of grinding poverty, Malawi's tiny nursing workforce is fighting to meet the country's healthcare needs. Emma Dent reports

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    Proposals recommend new role for trusts in detecting rogue doctors


    A major shake-up of the regulation of the medical profession, the first in 150 years, could see large acute and primary care trusts become affiliate outposts of the General Medical Council.

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    Lansley demands health inequalities drive


    Shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley has called for fresh policies to reduce health inequalities across London.

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    Demand management 'not a panacea'


    The NHS risks 'pinning too much' on the financial gains of demand management, a leading voice in primary care has warned.

  • Comment

    In defence of e-patient records


    It hasn't been often over the last few years that I have found myself agreeing with ITRichard Granger (News, 3 May) but here here!

  • Comment

    HSJ debate: So you want to be a director?


    HSJ 'Managers make a difference' Campaign: Whether it's the art of fostering effective relationships with clinicians, non-executives and politicians or demonstrating empathy with staff, what does the next generation of high-quality managers need? HSJ brought together six chief executives to provide some answers

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    Simon Stevens on the great pbc debate


    PBC is desirable but sadly not workable as a universal mechanism. It wasn't in the 1990s, and it isn't now

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    Global fall in measles deaths


    Deaths from measles have fallen by 60 per cent worldwide since 1999, according to the World Health Organisation.The fall in deaths from 873,000 in 1999 to 345,000 in 2005 beats the United Nations goal to halve measles-related mortality rates and is largely thanks to a 75 per cent decline in ...

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    Diagnostics deal delayed by five months


    A £257m contract with an independent company to provide 450,000 diagnostic procedures a year may not start until September, five months behind schedule.

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    Turning curves


    In the first part of our series on organisational turnaround, HSJ writers quiz three NHS trusts on how they fought their way back from the brink of financial Armageddon

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    Current policy threatens supply of GPs


    The draft NHS pay and workforce strategy reveals that the Department of Health's current policies will create a shortage of 1,200 family doctor whole-time equivalent posts (WTE) in four years' time.

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    Eight SHAs off course on smoking


    Just two out of the 10 strategic health authorities have predicted they will meet this year's smoking cessation targets, which were due to be hit by the end of last week.

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    Councils to meet Hunt over 'cost shunting'


    Council leaders in London are to meet health minister Lord Hunt after warning that £22m in 'cost shunting' will be forced on them by primary care trusts this year.