All Primary care articles – Page 295

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    Barometer: PCTs April 2007


    Primary care trust chief executives expect continuing wrangles over negotiating contracts with acute trusts, according to the latest Barometer survey.

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    Barometer: Public Health April 2007


    While confidence in sexual health services has continued its rise in the latest Barometer survey of public health directors, the most significant increase for April is public health funding for 2007-08, with the overall number up from 3.85 to 4.85 out of 10.

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    HSJ Barometer: PCTs Oct 2006


    There were significant rises in a number of key indicators in the latest Barometer survey of primary care trust chief executives. Faith in the national IT programme has continued to rise, and there has been a big boost in optimism on keeping a grip on elective activity. The only noticeable ...

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    Blair asked to intervene as PCT slashes budget by £25m


    A council leader has called on the prime minister to stop a primary care trust cutting its budget by £25m. Mr Blair was dragged into the row after the leader of Brent London borough council threatened to refuse to accept any attempt to shift work from healthcare to social services.

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    Trusts face 15 public productivity rankings


    All acute and primary care trusts are to have their performance publicly ranked against 15 efficiency indicators from this summer.

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    DoH agrees £10m 'top-up' for children's hospitals


    The Department of Health has agreed to bail out three children's hospitals to the tune of £10m after the trusts claimed that the specialist payment by results tariff was 'inaccurate'.

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    With European law and the emphasis on work-life balance already shaking things up, what does the future hold for medical education? Three experts predict the shape of things to come

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    'My local supermarket does not call me an inappropriate shopper - ever'

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    Independent providers opened up to public scrutiny


    The Healthcare Commission has launched a new web service that provides patients and the public with information about performance in independent acute hospitals, mental health units and independent sector treatment centres.Healthcare Commission chief executive Anna Walker, said: 'We want to make sure that patients have access to information about the ...

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    Scottish patients urged to get a flu vaccination


    Scottish doctors have urged patients who are eligible but have not yet received the winter flu vaccination to contact their GP practice.Uptake rates for November are lower than ever before with just over half of Scots aged 65 or over receiving their vaccination.Only about a quarter of patients in the ...

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    Five portions a day is not keeping obesity at bay


    An annual study published by the Information Centre for health and social care indicates that more people in England are eating the recommended five portions of fruit and vegetables a day.However one in five adults remain obese, the Health Survey for England 2005 reports.Reported daily consumption of five or more ...

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    Liberal Democrats announce changes to shadow cabinet


    Norman Lamb has taken over as Liberal Democrat health spokesman. He replaces Steve Webb, who has become chair of the party's election manifesto team.Mr Lamb has been chief of staff to Lib Dem leader Sir Menzies Campbell since March. He said: 'I'm thrilled at the prospect of taking the health ...

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    Survey: new year optimism outweighs financial fears


    A survey of 648 managers and leaders, published today by the Chartered Management Institute, shows that the mood of optimism in the sector remains despite fears over increasing business taxation and inflation.Key findings included that most managers in the health sector believe employment levels are unlikely to drop and the ...

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    MHRA issues safety warning about blood glucose meters


    The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency has identified a safety problem with some blood glucose meters which, under certain conditions, may display the wrong units of measurement.This could result in an insulin overdose and hypoglycaemic coma.The MHRA has issued advice following a number of reports of adverse incidents where ...

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    Think tank slams NHS reform


    The think tank Reform has accused the NHS of failing to develop a coherent vision for change, and warned that unless the government tackles 'centralised, dysfunctional bureaucracy', its funding and policy achievements will go to waste.Author Ian Smith, a private sector manager interviewed for the NHS chief executive's post this ...

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    DoH puts safety first


    The Department of Health has issued a report on improving support patient safety in the NHS.Safety First - a report for patients, clinicians and healthcare managerssays the National Patient Safety Agency should be 'refocused' on collecting and analysing information through its national reporting and learning system, and that this should ...

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    Call for National IT programme revamp


    The British Computer Society has called for a major re-evaluation of the National Programme for IT in the NHS.The society's health informatics forum says the programme has achieved some significant successes around infrastructure, but has slowed the deployment of local systems. It also says elements of the NHS Core Records ...

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    Seasonal gloom at the BMA


    The British Medical Association has picked up on health secretary Patricia Hewitt's comment that the NHS has had its 'best year ever' by publishing its own review of the Best of Years, the Worst of Years.Overall, it says that while there have been some ...

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    Emma Dent


    'Getting drunk in front of your mum is too embarrassing to contemplate'