All Primary care articles – Page 296

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    A year in review: catching up with the excess in 12 turbulent months


    2006 has been dominated by efficiency drives and government reforms. Financial problems began to bite and the public took to the streets over attempts to revamp local services. Amid the financial storm, NHS chief executive Sir Nigel Crisp resigned and only two trusts got top marks in the Healthcare Commission's ...

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    NICE chair calls for implementation push as GPs warn of drug companies' influence


    The chair of the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence has floated the idea that it should spend more on ensuring guidance gets implemented than it does on producing the advice.

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    Private provider queries future of comprehensive NHS care


    The NHS will be forced to abandon its founding principle of providing a comprehensive service 'free at the point of delivery' by 2015, a leading private sector provider has predicted.

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    Exclusive: PCT fitness bill hits £6.5m


    The primary care trust fitness for purpose programme cost the Department of Health £6.5m, HSJhas learned.

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    Operating framework: updated principles put new emphasis on dignity


    The Department of Health is consulting on a set of 10 principles to which all NHS organisations and contractors must sign up.

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    DoH accepts 'double deficit' argument, but no decision yet


    The government has said it accepts the case against the 'double deficit' accounting system for acute trusts - but has delayed a decision on whether to scrap it until the end of this financial year.

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    Lord Warner retires


    Prime minister Tony Blair has announced the resignation of health minister Lord Warner, who has decided to retire.Mr Blair complimented Lord Warner on an 'outstanding' contribution to health service reform, while the minister described his three-and-a-half years at the Department of Health as 'busy and enjoyable'.The NHS Confederation said Lord ...

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    Local Government Bill includes legal duty to co-operate


    The Department for Communities and Local Government has unveiled its Local Government Bill and emphasised that it places a legal duty on councils and service providers including primary care trusts to co-operate.The bill as a whole is intended to give local authorities a new role as 'place shapers' or leaders ...

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    Bar humbug


    Heart of England foundation trust has produced 50,000 beer mats to remind festive pub and party goers of the dangers of sexually transmitted infections.The mats will be displayed on tables in pubs and bars throughout Birmingham city centre, Sutton Coldfield and Solihull for the next four to six

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    NICE publishes guidelines on obesity in adults and children


    The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence has issued its first ever national guidelines addressing both the prevention and treatment of obesity in adults and children.It says diet changes and exercise, supported by behaviour change, should be the first-line treatment for adults who are overweight or obese, followed by ...

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    Medicines agency reports progress on over-the-counter medicines


    Good progress is being made on the better regulation of over-the-counter medicines initiatives, the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency has found. In its second report on the initiative, the agency found developments include rollout of a self-certification scheme for prescriptions-only medicine and a review ...

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    Nicholson says £250m surplus should be delivered by 2008


    NHS chief executive David Nicholson has said the NHS should achieve a net surplus of £250m by the end of 2007-08. Other priorities, set out in an operating framework for 2007-08, include 85 per cent of patients admitted for hospital treatment and 80 per cent ...

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    Peter Cardy on a new focus on lung cancer


    'While there has been striking progress in some cancers, lung cancer research has languished. Perhaps because of the stigma attached to a disease widely seen as self-inflicted through tobacco use, and the accompanying nihilism, it has had low priority.'

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    Public sector managers 'must have more flexibility in determining pay'


    A major change to the pay and reward system within the NHS and the rest of the public sector is needed to achieve serious improvements in delivery, the Confederation for British Industry has said.In a new report, the CBI has concluded that greater incentives must be created for public sector ...

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    More details on the future of patient involvement in the NHS


    More information on how patients will be involved in designing future NHS services have been set out by the government. The details are included in the government's response to its consultation on A stronger local voice, published in July, ...

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    New immunisation booklet published


    A new version of the government's guidance on vaccines and immunisation known as the Green Book, has been published.The booklet includes new chapters on immunisation for patients with underlying conditions and monitoring of vaccine safety.Read the book here

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    Audit finds little improvement in continence care


    The second audit of continence care in the NHS has seen little improvement over the past 12 months, the Royal College of Physicians has found.The Healthcare Commission-backed audit found that only 37 per cent of hospitals, and 10 per cent of mental health care sites have a written continence policy.Read ...

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    Hewitt announces new medical research centres


    Eleven new biomedical research centres of excellence have been announced by health secretary Patricia Hewitt.The centres, which will focus on translational research, will be partnerships between NHS acute trusts, foundation trusts and universities.Read more here

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    HSJ and NT launch NICE guidelines service


    HSJand Nursing Timeshave teamed up with the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence to launch a service to help managers and nurses implement NICE guidelines. In the new year HSJand NTwill ...

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    Breast cancer screening shows no reduction in deaths


    Breast screening for women between the ages of 40 and 50 has showed no significant reduction in breast cancer deaths, a 10-year survey from Cancer Research UK has found.The study involved more than 150,000 women.Read more here