All Primary care articles – Page 300

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    Andrew Jones on conspiracy or cock-up


    'It could be kindly argued that, by general lack of enthusiasm, a third of the country is yet to churn out any meaningful health activity data, yet alone customise or dynamise it to specific local goals. Perhaps more telling is that two-thirds have yet to even put together a simple ...

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    Dianne Leyland on the lack of clarity over local involvement networks


    Voluntary and community groups must be actively involved if LINks are to work. Yet the sectors' goodwill, undermined by the botched creation of patient forums, is eroding further.

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    Healthier lives but ever-widening inequalities: what price progress?


    While London's spearhead primary care trusts look likely to meet their national targets on inequalities, there is a growing differential in specific disease areas and between geographical areas which threatens to undermine long-term advances. Daloni Carlisle reports

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    Government passion cools on £50m safe-sex drive


    The government appears to have abandoned its pledge to spend £50m on safe-sex campaigns.

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    Turnaround help for a third of acutes as deficits reach £1.2bn gross


    More than one-third of all acute trusts and a quarter of all primary care trusts are receiving turnaround support as it was revealed that deficits in the NHS are climbing again.

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    New dental strategy for Northern Ireland


    Northern Ireland health minister Paul Goggins has unveiled a strategy to reform primary care dental services.The strategy includes a clearer focus on disease prevention, moves to ensure better access to services, local commissioning and a new remuneration system for dentists.Mr Goggins said that despite examples of good practice, the current ...

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    Scottish Executive unveils plans to reform nursing


    New measures to reform nursing in Scotland have been unveiled by the Scottish Executive.Health minister Andy Kerr launched the Delivering Care, Enabling Healthstrategy, which will give nurses, midwives and allied health professionals a bigger role in patient care.The strategy was published alongside a review ...

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    HIV awareness pack launched for schools


    The National AIDS trust has launched a free resource pack to help teachers integrate HIV education into the national curriculum at key stages three and four. The trust fears the failure of the curriculum to include HIV within relevant subjects means many young people leave school without knowing the facts. ...

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    Telephone marketing raising awareness of COPD


    Cheshire and Merseyside Partnerships for Health (ChaMPs) are using telephone marketing to encourage vulnerable communities to reduce the risk of developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. People living in Vauxhall, Everton and Netherley in Liverpool, Kirby in Knowsley and Runcorn in Cheshire will be encouraged to ...

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    Richard Barker on why the IT programme is never going to come right


    'NPfIT will never get back on track; it was never on track in the first place. It breaks every rule of project management - from scoping to delivery - and is patently failing to take into account the actual requirements of clinicians across the NHS.'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Matron's mate


    Community matrons can save money and improve care - and Nina Barnett and colleagues have the evidence to prove it

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Ruth Hussey on public health


    'What are the new opportunities to improve the public's health and what can the public health team do for you?'

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    David Peat on snipers and Special Ones


    I believe that in the fullness of time we will look back at these months of uncertainty and see it as a short diversion from the grand task in hand.

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    David Woodhead on love and understanding


    'If love is all around us, why is it seldom discussed? What is the exact role of love in promoting health? And if love were a desired outcome, how would we recognise it?'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    David Lock on pressure to prescribe


    'There are two potentially conflicting legal duties here - the duty to prescribe the drug and the legal requirement to break even'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Nigel Walker on commissioning for outcomes


    The publication of the white paper Our Health, Our Care, Our Sayand subsequent feedback have shown commissioning to be the highest single priority across the country. In response the Care Services Improvement Partnership is bringing together a commissioning programme that can be delivered through its eight regional development centres. The ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    CSIP's eBook resource for commissioners and service providers


    The Care Services Improvement Partnership's commissioning eBook ( was launched at the end of March and contains a range of articles that represent current thinking and practice in commissioning.

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    Government funding for prison drug treatment 'slashed'


    Cuts in NHS funding have led to a budget shortfall for drug treatment for prisoners, according to a charity.The drugs information charity DrugScope said that the government had pledged £28m for an integrated drug treatment system in 2006-07 and £40m for 2007-08. But it says the budget for this year ...

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    Patients to use libraries to choose healthcare


    Patients will be able to use their local libraries to access their choice of healthcare provider under a new pilot scheme called Partnership for Patients.Read the press release here

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    PCTs asked to help 'at-risk' families


    The joint Department of Health and Department for Education and Skills parenting support programme for at-risk families is now accepting joint applications from primary care trusts and local authorities wanting to become demonstration sites for the programme.Download the application pack here