All Private finance initiatives (PFI) articles – Page 4
Deep concerns about the ACO contract remain unaddressed
Government continues to ignore campaigners’ specific concerns, instead offer reassurances on spurious issues
HSJ Local
Trust in legal battle to end £321m PFI contract
An attempt by a large mental health trust to terminate its private finance initiative contract due to building defects at its main hospital has resulted in a legal dispute over money it is owed, HSJ has learned.
Carillion collapse: Trusts close to securing builders for new hospitals
Construction on a long awaited PF2 hospital held up by the collapse of Carillion could resume next month, HSJ has been told.
Serco set to take over Carillion NHS contracts
Facilities management services at five NHS hospital trusts could be taken over by Serco in a £29m deal, following the collapse of Carillion.
Expert Briefing
Following the Money: Treasury risks repeating PFI mistakes
HSJ’s expert briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black.
Exclusive: Pension fund prepared to invest £5bn in NHS estates, says Naylor
Sir Robert Naylor, who led the national review of NHS property, has revealed that one pension fund is willing to invest £5bn in NHS estates over 20 years at an interest rate of two per cent.
Government rejects key elements of Naylor estates review
The Department of Health and Social Care has rejected the idea of matching the proceeds of trust land sales with Treasury money, the government announced today.
Private investment can transform primary care estate
Private finance as an option to fund an upgrade of primary care estate can deliver value for money for the taxpayer and significantly improve patient outcomes, writes Maisie Borrows
Cowper’s Cut: Carillion up the PFI
As Carillion goes bust, Andy Cowper busts some of the resultant conspiracy theories doing the rounds about the private sector’s attempts to privatise the NHS
Carillion collapse: Trust chief 'optimistic' new builder will be found for £350m hospital
The chief executive of a trust building a new £350m hospital is “cautiously optimistic” that a new builder can be found soon to complete the construction after the liquidation of Carillion.
Expert Briefing
North by North West: Time to bite the bullet on reconfiguration
Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England, with a particular focus on the devolution project in Greater Manchester. By Lawrence Dunhill. Contact me in confidence here, or by sending a direct message on Twitter.
Revealed: 14 trusts start contingency plans after Carillion collapse
Contingency plans are in operation across 14 NHS trusts after the collapse of construction and facilities management company Carillion.
Trusts in talks to establish 'NHS alternative to PFI'
Jim Mackey is in discussions with other providers to establish an “NHS alternative to PFI”, which would aim to deliver “off balance sheet” capital projects.
HSJ Local
Trust faces £48m repair bill for PFI hospital
A trust faces a £48m repair bill to make one of its hospitals safe because of loopholes in the drafting of its private finance initiative contract, Department of Health documents reveal.
Government pledges £3.5bn capital to NHS over next five years
The Treasury has commited an extra £3.5bn to NHS capital spending over the next five years, with the service expected to raise the same sum itself through land sales.
Updated: Labour would bring PFI contracts 'back into the NHS'
A Labour government would “bring” private finance initiative contracts “back in house”, the shadow chancellor has announced.
Exclusive: Naylor 'delighted' at £3.3bn private investment offer
Sir Robert Naylor has said he is “delighted” at an offer from three private property firms to invest more than £3.3bn in new NHS primary care facilities.
HSJ Local
Trust plans new PFI deal to fund controversial hospital shake up
A foundation trust is proposing procuring a new private finance initiative to fund its controversial “hot” and “cold” site hospital reconfiguration plans.
Grenfell: There but for the grace of God goes the NHS
The terrible fire at Grenfell Tower will be a defining moment in British public life just as “Baby P”, the Hillsborough disaster or the killing of Stephen Lawrence caused a major recalibration of our attitudes to social work, public safety and institutional racism.
Building defects undermine fire safety at major PFI hospital
A major teaching hospital built via one of the largest private finance initiatives in the NHS is undergoing remedial building works to prevent fires spreading after it was discovered that builders had not followed safety specifications.