All Private finance initiatives (PFI) articles – Page 7
HSJ Knowledge
Local integrated care receives a massive lift
Analysis of the LIFT programme’s benefits
HSJ Local
Public money could fund new hospital
CAPITAL SCHEMES A proposed £283m new hospital in the North East could be part-funded with public money after a plan to pay for it it using loans from pension funds was dropped.
HSJ Knowledge
The museum of NHS failure
Learning from past mistakes can be as instructive as successes
Michael White: Conferences reveal NHS hopes and fears
Conference season highlights testing times for public sector policy
HSJ Local
Hinchingbrooke-style franchise considered for Peterborough
A Hinchingbrooke-style private franchise could take over Peterborough and Stamford Hospitals Foundation Trust’s main site, Monitor has confirmed.
Monitor rejects calls for different approach to PFI risk
Monitor has rejected claims from foundation trusts with large private finance initiative commitments that they should be treated differently than others under the regulator’s new system for measuring financial risk.
Three trusts handed £38m in bailouts
Three NHS hospital trusts have been handed a total of £38m in Department of Health bailouts, HSJ has learned.
HSJ Local
Judge to rule on Lewisham downgrade
A High Court judge who has been urged to overturn an “unlawful” decision to reduce services at a major hospital is set to announce his decision.
HSJ Local
North Bristol agrees funding for hospital move
FINANCE: North Bristol Trust has agreed an additional £4.5m of non-recurrent transitional funding with NHS England to cover the costs of moving to the new private finance initiative hospital during 2013-14.
HSJ Local
Peterborough and Stamford FT ‘financially unsustainable’
Debt-laden Peterborough and Stamford Foundation Trust is “financially unsustainable in its current form”, independent investigators have concluded.
HSJ Local
Barking, Havering and Redbridge Hospitals working towards £17.3m deficit this year
FINANCE: Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals Trust is working towards a target deficit of £17.3m deficit in 2013-14, a board paper reveals.
Two bidders drop out of pension fund hospital build scheme
Two out of three bidders involved in an innovative scheme to use pension fund capital to finance a major hospital development have dropped out, HSJ has learned.
Still no change in NHS finance after Francis
The post-Francis world is still worringly ‘business as usual’
Government approves £425m Royal Liverpool construction following delays
The government has approved a £425m private finance initiative rebuild of the Royal Liverpool Hospital, following delays.
Orthopaedic hospital PFI a step closer after affordable housing rollback
A London trust’s private finance initiative rebuild has moved a step closer after it secured permission to sell off some of its land with a smaller proportion than usual earmarked for affordable housing.
Funding the future − an HSJ supplement
HSJ’s supplement looks at the future of NHS funding, including the risks around PF2, efficient management and infrastructure investment.
Analysed: The way ahead for Wye Valley Trust
HSJ Local Briefing is our in-depth analysis of key issues facing some of the major NHS health economies. This week we examine the potential plans for Wye Valley Trust after it admitted it will not be able to achieve foundation trust status.
London's commissioners get stuck in
Commissioners involved in major reconfiguration from the start
HSJ Local
St Helens and Knowsley FT bid red rated in December
STRUCTURE: The trust’s progress towards its application for foundation trust status was “red rated” by NHS North of England in December, as it had been for the two previous months.
NHS Midlands and East 'failed', say MPs
The strategic management of health resources across the east of England strategic health authority has “failed”, according to an influential committee of MPs.