All Procurement articles
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Judge clears way for major national logistics contract award
NHS Supply Chain has been given the green light to award a £4.4bn logistics contract to its preferred supplier after a judge lifted suspensions applied to the procurement during a legal challenge.
New financial system for the NHS in England delayed again
NHS England’s protracted efforts to launch a national accounting and finance system for the health service has been hit by further delays, HSJ understands.
ICBs halt £465m tender after legal challenge
A group of integrated care boards have halted a procurement worth up to £465m, with little more than a month’s notice, after receiving legal challenges regarding its process.
Contract value for NHS App work increased by 50 per cent
NHS England has increased the value of a contract with a supplier by 50 per cent for additional work on the NHS App to meet government ambitions.
HSJ Interactive
NHS needs convincing government’s three shifts will happen, says Streeting’s adviser
Digital technology has a big part to play in helping the NHS deliver the ambitions of the forthcoming 10-year plan and address immediate operational pressures. The 3 December HSJ summit, in association with IBM, looked at how this could happen and what role AI might have in it.
NHSE launches £37bn framework for ‘new hospitals’
NHS England has launched a £37bn framework for the largest hospital-building drive in decades, in a bid to bolster market capacity.
Competition watchdog finds in favour of commissioner for first time
The Independent Patient Choice and Procurement Panel has ruled in favour of a public body for the first time after its three previous decisions went against NHS commissioners.
HSJ Partners
Navigating UK procurement regulations: A guide for NHS commercial professionals
The NHS spends almost £22bn on common goods and services each year. With tighter NHS budgets and resources, buying products and services is challenging. Working with Crown Commercial Service can help take some pressure off your capital projects.
Court clears way for ICB to award £40m UCC contract
An integrated care board has been allowed to award a £40m urgent care centre contract to a new provider following a High Court judgment which marks the latest chapter in the commissioner’s ongoing legal row with its incumbent supplier.
Trust blames £1.8bn tender for going six months without board meeting
A community trust is set to go six months without a public board meeting – giving winter pressures and a large community services tender as its reasons.
UK health AI firm criticises NHSE procurement as it goes bust
A British health AI company has been wound up after failing to win any contracts under a government innovation scheme.
Three trusts to share same EPR
A single electronic patient record is to be shared by three trusts across a system in a deal announced this week.
Cleaning firm sues trust over £8m contract
A facilities management company is suing an ambulance trust over the procurement of a £8m contract for cleaning services.
Half of ICBs sued over £168m waste procurement
Half of England’s integrated care boards are being sued by a waste management firm over the procurement of healthcare waste collection and disposal services for primary care.
Trust signs 10-year deal despite ‘deplorable’ comments by firm’s CEO
An IT firm whose CEO was caught making racist and misogynistic comments has won a significant new NHS contract with a trust that stated it had “not taken this decision lightly”.
NHSE downgrades commercial leadership
NHS England’s commercial team is to be downgraded following the imminent departure of the organisation’s chief commercial officer.
‘Safety concerns’ over provider with £500m new contracts
A patient transport company which is taking over contracts worth hundreds of millions of pounds is grappling with concerns about service performance and risk to patients.
Fresh legal challenges further delay £4.4bn contract
NHS Supply Chain’s effort to award a multi-billion-pound logistics contract has been delayed by more legal challenges.
Company drops legal action after ICB files defence
A private provider has dropped its legal claim against an integrated care board after the ICB filed its defence in the High Court.
Government spend controls causing ‘considerable’ delays to ‘critical’ contracts
Government spending rules are causing “considerable” delays to the signing of “critical contracts” and “interrupting” patient care, NHS procurement leads have warned.