All Procurement articles – Page 34

  • hospital sexual health sign
    HSJ Local

    Tender launched in major sexual health shake-up


    COMMISSIONING: A group of 22 London boroughs have launched a tender for an online sexual health service as part of a major shake-up of services in the city.

  • Office writing on form

    Trust chiefs told which back-office services to prioritise in savings drive


    NHS Improvement sets out which back-office services trusts should prioritise in consolidation plans “In time” providers will have to look at consolidating “all corporate and administrative costs” NHS Improvement also seeks to improve “accuracy” of its efficiency data NHS Improvement has written to trust chief executives outlining the ...

  • David Williams
    Expert Briefing

    What's new in care models: Keeping GPs onside


    Tracking everything that’s new in care models and progress of the Five Year Forward View, by integration reporter David Williams.

  • Macclesfield district general hospital
    HSJ Local

    North West trust 'not sustainable' in current form


    East Cheshire Trust board says organisation is not sustainable in its current form Trust reported a £24m deficit in 2015-16 and it cannot make required savings under payment by results tariff Trust is discussing with local commissioners the possibility of becoming an accountable care organisation STRUCTURE: East Cheshire ...

  • Hinchingbrooke Hospital

    Updated: Strategic Projects Team closed after 'real concerns' emerge


    Controversial advisory team “closed down” Move follows SPT being cited in recent critical official reports on collapse of £750m Cambridgeshire contract SPT has been involved in a number of controversial contracts since it was established to advise of the franchising of Hinchingbrooke Hospital in 2009 The NHS’s East ...

  • contract

    MCP plan poses 'significant risks to trust’s future', says chief executive


    Dudley Group chief executive criticises Dudley CCG’s plans to put MCP contract out to tender Vanguard trust worried about “financial and clinical” future should it lose revenue to new MCP provider PFI commitments could become “unaffordable” unless MCP takes on risk, says trust The chief executive of Dudley ...

  • community nurse with patient

    Vanguard CCG to start procurement for multi-billion MCP contract


    Dudley CCG set outs procurement timetable for MCP contract worth £244m a year MCP contract not expected to be operational until April 2018 32 per cent of services within the contract scope currently provided by Dudley Group Foundation Trust MCP will be a “single legal entity” holding one ...

  • signature CB059558 Corbis1

    Fear of litigation must never be a roadblock to transparency


    Legal processes must never get in the way of supporting staff, reducing risks to patients and doing the right thing

  • Exchange rates

    Brexit: Fall in the pound could create extra £900m bill for NHS


    Brexit could create extra £900m bill for the NHS as suppliers hike prices to protect themselves against slump in the pound Most NHS organisations buy products in the pound but at least half of goods originate outside the UK Procurement expert says NHS must take action to deliver the ...

  • Rob Whiteman

    We must uphold the positive impacts of EU membership


    Important to maintain the positive impacts of EU membership

  • European parliament

    What leaving the EU means for NHS regulations


    HSJ looks at what Britain’s exit from the EU might mean for regulations impacting the NHS.

  • Deal
    HSJ Local

    Concerns new GP alliance will 'adversely affect' services


    Sunderland GP resigns over procurement of new contract Sunderland GP Alliance awarded controversial contract bringing together three practices and a violent patients programme Doctor fears contract will “adversely affect” services PRIMARY CARE: A GP has resigned following the procurement of a primary care contract that merges three Sunderland ...

  • Computer data

    CMA warning over public sector bid rigging


    Procurement officers in the NHS and across the public sector have been warned to watch out for bid rigging and cartel behaviour by a senior official at the UK’s markets regulator.

  • Ambulance
    HSJ Local

    Ambulance trust scraps out of hours contract over safety fears


    PATIENT SAFETY: South Western Ambulance Service Foundation Trust has served notice on its current out of hours medical contract with Gloucestershire CCG because it can no longer “offer a safe and effective service” for patients, HSJ has learned.

  • George Freeman

    Minister calls for end to 'apartheid' between NHS and private sector


    George Freeman calls for deeper relationship between NHS and private sector There needs to be “a debate about how we fund healthcare”, he says There is a “quiet revolution” in which patients are being allowed by technology to take “responsibility” for their care Floats idea of local areas being ...

  • Innovation and technology
    HSJ Local

    Trusts look to Salford for electronic patient record system


    Bolton FT and Pennine Acute Trust are both preparing to procure a new electronic patient record systems Building integrated patient records between trusts seen as key aspect of the “hospital chain” across north Greater Manchester Digital landscape in city of Manchester could be less uniform TECHNOLOGY: Two more ...

  • Macclesfield district general hospital
    HSJ Local

    Trust takes 'unviable' HR service back in-house


    East Cheshire Trust agrees to take back outsourced human resources service Arvato told the trust it would need to pay £2.4m a year to continue contract Decision comes as Carter review encouraged more outsourcing of non-clinical services East Cheshire Trust is to bring human resources services back in ...

  • Salford Royal Foundation Trust
    HSJ Local

    Hundreds of council staff to transfer to vanguard trust


    440 council staff set to transfer to Salford Royal Foundation Trust to become part of a new “integrated care organisation” Set to be one of the first vanguard new care models to be fully realised Some areas have felt unable to fully integrate health and social care contracts due ...

  • Liverpool seafront
    HSJ Local

    'Unworkable' primary care contracts put out for re-tender


    COMMISSIONING: Twelve primary care contracts in Merseyside have been put out for re-tender – including 11 contracts held by troubled provider SSP Health.

  • Jim mackey

    'Not true' that CCGs must always use competitive tenders, says regulator


    NHS Improvement issues procurement guidance to CCGs Briefing note confirms new EU rules will force new contracts to be advertised Regulator emphasises alternatives to competitive tendering NHS Improvement has told commissioners that competitive tenders are not always needed to choose a provider, following the introduction of a strict ...