All Public health articles – Page 101

  • News

    Smoking costs NHS £50m a week


    Smoking costs the NHS £2.7bn a year or £50m a week, despite a drop in the number of smokers, according to a report by Action on Smoking and Health, Cancer Research UK and the British Heart Foundation.

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    TV campaign promotes mental health


    The Care Services Improvement Partnership in the East of England and charity the Mental Health Foundation have launched a mental health promotion TV campaign.

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    Department of Health publishes mortality statistics


    Statistics outlining progress on reducing overall mortality rates from cancer, circulatory disease, suicide and undetermined injury and accidents have been published.

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    Mind launches physical activity campaign


    Mental health charity Mind has lanched Get Moving, a week of mass participation events that will raise awareness of the mental health benefits of physical activity while tackling the stigma and discrimination that people with mental health problems experience.

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    PCTs launch chlamydia TV campaign


    Primary care trusts in Northumberland and Tyne and Wear have created a regional TV advert for chlamydia screening starring local young people.

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    WHO calls for evidence on alcohol strategy


    The World Health Organisation is to hold a public hearing on its global strategy to combat the harmful use of alcohol.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Building bridges to beat diabetes


    Confronted with rising numbers of people with type 2 diabetes, a New Zealand health board forged a cross-sectoral alliance under the banner of Let's Beat Diabetes. Chris Mules, Chad Paraone and Paul Stephenson report

  • News

    Tories: Labour using NHS money for votes


    The government is 'manipulating' the NHS funding allocation formula to 'shore up' votes in areas loyal to Labour, the Conservatives have claimed.

  • Comment

    Simon Stevens on health policy trends


    Rather than attend this year's party conferences, I decided instead to take the temperature on US health reform at the two presidential nominating conventions.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Equipping the service to maximise information


    The NHS Information Centre has a wide range of products and services designed to support commissioners.

  • Comment

    Media Watch: cabinet reshuffle


    What's in a name? Plenty according to the papers, which were this weekend reporting that a crop of senior ministers including health secretary Alan Johnson are determined to hang on to their titles in the event of a reshuffle.

  • News

    New body set to improve public health profile


    A 6,000-strong campaigning organisation has been formed from the merger of two existing public health groups.

  • Leader

    Tory blueprint is light on detail as Lansley prepares for power


    As the party conference season draws to a close, it is the similarities rather than the contrasts between the two main parties which shine through.

  • News

    Carers behind bars


    Thank you Julia Tabreham for putting a spotlight on 'carers behind bars' - prison inmates giving routine care to others who are elderly, vulnerable or ill.

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    Government sets out health strategy at home and abroad


    The Department of Health has launched a government-wide strategy to tackle global health problems.

  • News

    London puts short-term health targets above inequalities


    NHS London is deferring work on health inequalities to focus on improving commissioning and delivering Lord Darzi's vision.

  • News

    Alcohol retailing consultation to end soon


    The Department of Health has called for more responses to a consultation on alcohol retailing. The final date to submit responses is 14 October.

  • News

    Tobacco products to get picture warnings


    Graphic picture warnings will be introduced on tobacco products from 1 October, chief medical officer Sir Liam Donaldson has announced.The Department of Health said smokers were more likely to remember the damage they are doing to their health if they have seen a picture.

  • News

    Cancer may be linked to wealth, study finds


    An analysis of more than 3,000 cancer patients has found cervical and lung cancer are more common in poor people and breast cancer and melanoma higher in the wealthy.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS social marketing: the hard sell


    Public services in the UK have been slow to develop social marketing. Can the NHS reclaim the term so it is no longer thought of simply as spin? Caroline White reports