All Public health articles – Page 105

  • News

    Sexually transmitted infections on rise in Scotland


    The workload of Scottish genitourinary medicine clinics and the number of acute sexually transmitted infections being diagnosed in them continue to rise, according to figures from NHS Scotland.

  • News

    Continence care suffering, survey claims


    Waiting times for assessment and provision of continence care products are increasing and around half of primary care trusts exclude some patient groups from receiving any, a survey by the Absorbent Hygiene Products Manufacturers Association has said.

  • News

    Boards 'need sexual health representative'


    Primary care trusts should have a board member responsible for sexual health, a report by the Independent Advisory Group on Sexual Health and HIV has said. It also said commitment was needed to ensure improvements in sexual health services moved beyond clinical work to reducing stigma and social exclusion.It added ...

  • Comment

    Maggie Rae on lunchtime networking


    Did you know four out of five of us do not get properly away from our desks during our working day? Shocking isn't it?

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    Sophia Christie on public health leadership


    For much of the last 20 years, public health has faced a huge challenge of marginalisation. A state active model of health was always going to struggle under a government that denied the concept of society.

  • News

    Mental health being neglected in the elderly


    Older people's mental health and well-being is being severely neglected, claims a report by the Institute for Public Policy Research.Its report Older People and Wellbeing estimates 2.4 million older people have depression and predicts the number with mental health problems will rise dramatically over the next 20 years. This will ...

  • News

    Health secretary targets obesity


    Health secretary Alan Johnson will tonight call for a national movement to tackle obesity in a speech on public health to the Fabian Society.Mr Johnson will outline the public health implications of the obesity epidemic and argue that the strategy to combat obesity will only succeed if every part of ...

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    HPV vaccination programme extended


    The national vaccination programme against the HPV virus is to be extended to 300,000 girls aged 17 and 18.

  • News

    DH moots new restrictions on alcohol sales


    Restrictions including only selling alcohol in small glasses, restricting happy hours and price-based drink promotions and banning alcohol displays at checkouts could be introduced following a consultation on the drinking culture in England.Alcohol manufacturers have been given until the end of the year to put warnings on cans and bottles ...

  • News

    Charity launches diabetes awareness campaign


    More than half a million people in the UK are unaware they have type 2 diabetes, according to the charity Diabetes UK.

  • News

    Mental health stigma prevents everyday activities - Rethink


    Two-thirds of people with mental health problems say stigma prevents them from doing everyday things such as going to the shops or making new friends, according to a survey by mental health charity Rethink.A third of survey respondents also said they face the most discrimination from friends and family.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    One year on from the smoking ban


    One year into the smoking ban in England it is still too early to predict its long-term effects on public health but there are reasons to be cheerful, says Stuart Shepherd

  • Comment

    David Woodhead on tackling alcohol abuse


    The evidence is clear. We should drink less. As a nation, we stumble and fall after lengthy bouts of drinking. Pints are downed and spirits are necked.

  • Comment

    Paul Jennings on social marketing


    Walsall Teaching primary care trust was one of the first organisations to deploy health trainers to give one-to-one support to people with health problems.

  • News

    Massive variation in Ritalin prescribing


    There is a 23-fold difference in the rate at which children in different parts of England are prescribed Ritalin to control their behaviour, figures seen by HSJ reveal.

  • News

    Public health gets lift from social marketing


    The Department of Health is to boost access to public health training and population profiling tools to help embed social marketing principles in health improvement work.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Drifting apart: why health inequalities are getting bigger


    Is it fair to expect the NHS alone to stop health inequalities widening when they are shaped by so many factors in society - income, housing, education - or is the health service failing in its basic responsibilities?

  • News

    Watchdogs call for alcohol and obesity focus


    Alcohol abuse and obesity must be tackled more systematically or they could 'derail' overall health improvements, the health and spending watchdogs have warned.

  • News

    Alcohol and obesity threaten public health work, regulators say


    Alcohol abuse and obesity must be tackled more systematically or they could 'derail' overall health improvements, health and spending watchdogs have warned.

  • News

    Sexually transmitted infections up 6 per cent - HPA


    Rates of sexually transmitted infections have risen by 6 per cent, according to figures released by the Health Protection Agency.