All Public health articles – Page 107

  • HSJ Knowledge

    1948 and the leap forward in human rights


    The year the NHS was launched saw another great landmark: the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The right to healthcare is as basic as they get - but the battle is still not won

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Life expectancy tool helps address local inequalities


    A life expectancy intervention tool is now available to help all local planners make informed decisions, writes Andy Cowper.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Collaborative approach to cancer inequalities


    A national initiative is encouraging patients to present themselves earlier when they display symptoms they might otherwise ignore.

  • News

    DH celebrates anniversary of smoking ban


    More people are trying to quit smoking, the air in pubs and bars is cleaner and rates of compliance with smoke-free laws is high, according to the Department of Health report published to mark the first anniversary of the smoking ban.

  • News

    Consultation on vascular check programme


    The Department of Health is consulting on the modelling undertaken by its analysts, which shows its proposed programme of vascular checks for patients aged 40-74 is likely to be very cost-effective and result in significant health improvements.

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    Healthy Futures programme appoints director


    A senior nurse and former patients' champion for accident and emergency services has been appointed as the new programme director for the Healthy Futures North East reconfiguration programme.

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    Research examines effects of poor diet in pregnancy


    Mothers who eat an unhealthy diet during pregnancy may be putting their children at risk of developing long-term health problems, according to research published today.

  • News

    Smoking ban spurred 400,000 to kick habit, study claims


    At least 400,000 people quit smoking as a result of the smoking ban in England, according to research presented today.The Smoking Toolkit Study interviewed more than 32,000 people in England over the nine months before and nine months after the ban took effect on 1 July last year.

  • News

    Sexually transmitted infection rates soar in over 45s


    Rates of sexually transmitted infections (except HIV) have doubled among people over 45 in less than a decade, research published in the journal Sexually Transmitted Infections has found.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Young people's sexual health


    While the GP practice seems an obvious place for improving uptake of sexual health screening, funding issues are slowing progress, says Caroline White

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: What's the verdict?


    We invite three health pundits to pull no punches and deliver their judgments on the past and future of the NHS

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: Frontline pharmacy


    The community pharmacist’s invaluable role in dispensing prescriptions and advice is sure to expand into delivering some primary healthcare services, says Lloydspharmacy

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: Déjà vu


    Healthcare has moved on apace since 1948, with treatments that would have amazed medics of the time. Yet in other areas time seems to have stood still, says Niall Dickson

  • Comment

    Michael White on public health


    The other weekend I found myself discussing the public sector with an old leftie who had worked most of his life in housing and hated what he feels the Blair-Brown governments have done. In a word, marketisation.

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    HSJ Knowledge

    Wider engagement in joint assessment


    The starting point for improving health services and reducing heath inequalities is data. To identify areas for improvement, exactly the same data must be collected in the same way.

  • Leader

    Acute's leftovers won't feed public health


    At the NHS Confederation conference, Nuffield Trust director Jennifer Dixon offered the heretical view that the policy of tilting NHS spending towards public health is a mistake.

  • Comment

    Edzard Ernst on alternative medicine


    People must not confuse the perceived benefits of so-called alternative medicine with the medical facts. Claims made about such treatments should be more tightly regulated to protect patients from unscrupulous practitioners.

  • News

    Infant mortality rates vary widely, statistics show


    There are large differences in the infant mortality rates of ethnic groups in England and Wales, according to new figures published today by the Office for National Statistics.

  • News

    Health profiles reveal drop in smoking-related deaths


    Health profiles for each local authority and region in England were published today by the Department of Health and the Association of Public Health Observatories.The profiles show that deaths from smoking-related diseases fell across England and that while life expectancy from birth has improved, there is still wide variation across ...

  • News

    Boost for healthy lifestyles in Scotland


    The Scottish government has launched an action plan targeting obesity, poor diet and lack of exercise.Over the next three years, an additional £40m of funding will be invested in improving healthy eating and physical activity.