All Public health articles – Page 108

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    Maggie Rae on world class shopping


    'Tired of shopping yet?' shouted a colleague. A gentle reference to my earnest attempts to improve our delivery of the world class commissioning standards.

  • News

    Funding for new vaccinations revealed


    Primary care trusts have been allocated their share of £8.9m for a new vaccination programme against the virus that causes cervical cancer.The human papillomavirus immunisation programme will start at the beginning of the school year in September.

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    Web can worsen inequalities, Confed warned


    Web-based patient information initiatives can make health inequalities worse, delegates at the NHS Confederation conference were warned.

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    More young girls having abortions, statistics show


    The number of girls under 16 having abortions went up last year, new figures show.

  • Leader

    BMA campaign trades on fear and ignorance


    One has to admire the British Medical Association. Getting people to campaign against health service closures is easy, but it takes a particular talent to get the public to campaign against service openings.

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    Scottish consultation on alcohol misuse


    The Scottish government has launched a consultation designed to help tackle alcohol misuse.

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    Wales launches refugee inclusion strategy


    The Welsh Assembly today launched a refugee inclusion strategy, which aims to help asylum seekers gain better access to services.

  • HSJ Partners

    Information Centre alcohol report paints a worrying picture


    Hospital admissions specifically related to alcohol have more than doubled in England since 1995, according to an NHS Information Centre report.

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    Pharmacists should take on diabetes care role


    Community pharmacies should become public health centres where people can access NHS health checks, preventive services and effective treatments for diabetes, the School of Pharmacy at the University of London has said.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Globalisation and the health service


    Globalisation poses challenges for the NHS as it copes with rising demands and the needs of a diverse community, writes David Stout

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    Scotland passes public health bill


    Scottish Parliament has passed a new public health bill that will strengthen health board and local authority powers to act when individuals, premises or any item pose a major risk to public health.

  • Comment

    David Baker on men's health


    According to independent body the Men's Health Forum, too many men suffer unnecessary poor health and die too young from preventable causes.

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    HSJ Knowledge

    How does the UK compare at commissioning?


    World class commissioning will require an international perspective on health and well-being. It is not enough for PCTs and SHAs to compare similar organisations in England or even the UK.

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    Better on pain management


    In HSJ's Chronic Pain Management supplement, Shropshire GP Louise Warburton said the wait to see a pain management team in her area was six months.

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    Alan Johnson steps up pace of inequalities reform


    Health secretary Alan Johnson has outlined plans to ramp up the pace of reform in the face of a struggle to meet health inequalities targets.

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    Incentivise care in poorer areas - Liberal Democrats


    The Liberal Democrats would incentivise GPs to work in deprived areas and introduce a financial premium to treat poorer patients, party leader Nick Clegg has said.

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    Statistics show variations in UK health spending


    UK health and social care spending varies from £1,915 per head in England to £2,313 per head in Scotland, statistics from the Office for National Statistics have shown.

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    Tuberculosis undermining HIV work, says WHO


    Rates of tuberculosis, especially drug-resistant forms of the disease, are threatening to undermine progress on treating people with HIV, a global leaders forum has said.

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    Healthy communities fund launched


    Every town in England will have the chance to bid for up to £5m for schemes to make their inhabitants healthier and more active, health minister Dawn Primarolo has announced.

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    Health inequalities plans announced


    Health secretary Alan Johnson has announced details of £34m of spending on local programmes to tackle health inequalities, including £19m to improve life expectancy and reduce infant mortality.A national support team for alcohol will be set up to help areas with the highest rates of alcohol-related hospital admissions. ...