All Public health articles – Page 109

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    David Woodhead and Adrian Kelly on reducing teenage pregnancy


    With the highest rate of teenage pregnancy in western Europe, the UK needed to take serious steps to meet its goal of halving incidents by 2010

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    Inexperience affects sexual health services


    A lack of expertise and experience in sexual health commissioning is harming efforts to improve services, sexual health organisations claim.

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    Steve Slack on why being gay is still bad for your health


    Despite improvements in UK legislation protecting the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, discrimination is still affecting the quality of health and social care this community receives.

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    Ugandans suffer record levels of post-traumatic stress


    People displaced by the 20-year war in northern Uganda have the highest ever recorded rate of post-traumatic stress and depression, a study by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and Gulu University has found.

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    Anti-smoking consultation begins


    Requiring cigarettes to be sold in plain, branding-free packets of at least 20, restricting access to cigarette machines, restricting the display of tobacco products and banning advertisements for cigarette papers are among measures being considered in a consultation to cut the number of people who smoke. ...

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    Youth alcohol plan launched


    A plan to help young people make informed decisions about the risks of drinking alcohol has been launched by the Department of Health, the Home Office and the Department for Children, Schools and Families.It aims to provide clearer information to parents and young people about alcohol consumption. New guidelines on ...

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    End of postcode lottery could put PCTs in a spin


    The Primary Care Commissioning Network will pool PCTs' expertise to help them make decisions on using new treatments while they wait for NICE guidance. But trusts that choose to ignore the network's advice could find themselves facing a media storm. By Alison Moore

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    Media Watch: bets on Johnson


    Managers may be tempted to swell trust coffers by taking a punt on health secretary Alan Johnson to be prime minister, with most papers quoting odds of six to one to replace Gordon Brown.

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    Sharp rise in stomach surgery for obesity


    The number of stomach operations for obesity rose by just over 40 per cent last year, show official figures.

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    Scottish men drinking twice recommended amount


    Figures updated to reflect the increasing strength of alcoholic drinks show many more Scottish drinkers than previously thought could be putting their health at risk.

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    Public health research programme launched


    A research programme designed to help the government improve public health and reduce health inequalities has been launched.

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    Screening help for people with disabilities


    Resources to help women with learning disabilities in Wales understand and access breast and cervical screening will be unveiled by health minister Edwina Hart today.

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    Worries making older people ill - Help the Aged


    One in four older people in the UK have become so worried about the future that they are making themselves ill, according to a new report by Help the Aged.

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    Non-communicable diseases are biggest threat - WHO


    Non-communicable diseases are now the world's biggest killers, according to a new report by the World Health Organisation.World Health Statistics 2008 found that chronic conditions such as heart disease and stroke are now the chief causes of death globally, with leading infectious diseases such as diarrhoea, tuberculosis and malaria becoming ...

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    Scotland earmarks £43m to tackle hepatitis C


    Scottish public health minister Shona Robison has announced £43m is to be dedicated to tackling hepatitis C.

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    Safe drinking campaign launched


    The Department of Health has launched a campaign to tell drinkers how many units of alcohol are in their drinks and to drink within safe limits.The campaign will use TV, radio, billboard and press adverts to show the number of units in individual drinks, explain how to stay within recommended ...

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    Northern Ireland suicide inquiry released


    Co-ordination and delivery of Northern Ireland's suicide and self-harm prevention strategy could be improved by appointing a designated suicide prevention director, a report by the Northern Ireland Assembly's committee for health, social services and public safety has found.

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    Latest regional Darzi report aims to boost life expectancy


    NHS South West has unveiled ambitious plans to match the best life expectancy rates in Europe in its regional Darzi vision, published today.

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    DH issues guidance on preparing for a heatwave


    The Department of Health has published an updated plan to help trusts and other health and social care providers prepare for a major heatwave.

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    Media Watch: Darzi shake-up


    Managers must brace themselves as junior minister Lord Darzi's shake-up is unveiled. 'Ministers are preparing for a summer of protest as residents campaign against proposals that could mean local hospitals losing specialist services to large regional centres,' reported The Daily Telegraph.