All Public health articles – Page 111

  • News

    More smoking curbs needed, survey shows


    Seventy-six per cent of British adults support a ban on smoking in cars carrying children and 85 per cent want retailers convicted of selling tobacco to children to be banned from selling tobacco products, according to a survey by anti-smoking campaigning group ASH.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Sexual health - protection plea


    Stuart Shepherd visits Nottingham to see how the NHS is coping with a surge in sexually transmitted infections, amid calls to keep them top priority

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    £12m funding for physical activity in Scotland


    Public health minister Shona Robison has announced £12m of funding for physical activity initiatives in schools, workplaces, homes and across communities.

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    NCT offers maternity information packs


    The NCT has launched a set of information packs that employers can buy to give to staff as part of their maternity benefits policy.

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    HSJ Knowledge

    Mapping data


    The saying, ‘a picture paints a thousand words’, is never more accurate than in the context of maps. Maps are unrivalled in their power to make geographical data more comprehensible.

  • News

    Darzi reforms under threat in London


    Poor leadership in NHS organisations is threatening to jeopardise Lord Darzi's vision to transform the capital's healthcare.NHS London board papers state it is 'likely' there will be 'insufficient leadership capacity and capability in primary care trusts and allied NHS organisations' to deliver the now junior health minister's plans.

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    Government firm on contamination powers


    The government has rejected calls to limit powers that would allow magistrates to detain people who are thought to be 'contaminated'.

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    European Commission warned over drug promotion


    Prescribing budgets could come under pressure as a result of European Commission proposals to let drug companies provide information directly to patients.

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    Guy's may lay off poisons advice staff


    Staff at Guy's and St Thomas' foundation trust could face redundancy following the conclusion of a four-year dispute with the Health Protection Agency.

  • HSJ Partners

    New guidance on pandemic flu


    The NHS Networks pandemic flu page has been updated with several new guidance documents for acute hospitals, ambulance trusts, hospices and other health and care bodies.

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    Teachers' views sought on sex education


    The Sex Education Forum has launched an online survey to find out what teachers need in order to offer high-quality sex and relationships education to young people.

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    Guidance on services for lesbian, gay and bisexual people


    New guidance designed to improve healthcare services for lesbian, gay and bisexual people has been issued to NHS Wales.

  • News

    Report shows drop in meningitis deaths


    Last year was the first year that no-one under 19 died from meningococcal C/meningitis, a report published today shows.The director of immunisation's report says the government's national immunisation programme has prevented more than 3,000 deaths and cases of serious illness and ensured that young people are not at risk from ...

  • News

    Vaccine development threatened by cost-cutting


    What should be a 'golden era' in the development of vaccines is being threatened by a drive to cut costs, a report by a leading academic says.

  • Comment

    Media Watch: health service jargon


    Most would agree health service jargon is a pain but it appears it can also be dangerous.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Improving the detection of COPD


    There are over 15 million people in England with long-term conditions. Lord Darzi's interim report last October highlighted how less than 50 per cent of patients with long-term conditions receive optimal treatment, and that care does not always meet recommended guidelines.

  • Comment

    Sophia Christie on tackling the digital divide


    Economic growth is increasingly driven by the skill of the local workforce and more specifically confidence and competence in using digital technologies.

  • News

    Progress report on genetics published


    The Department of Health's chief scientist and director general for health improvement and protection, Professor David Harper, has published his progress review on the implementation of the 2003 white paper on genetics.

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    Scotland pledges £6m to fight childhood obesity


    Scottish health secretary Nicola Sturgeon has announced £6m of funding to tackle childhood obesity.Health boards will be asked to set up weight treatment programmes for children aged five to 15 to promote healthy eating and physical activity and address the causes of weight gain.

  • Comment

    Maggie Rae on spending time in general practice


    Sometimes it is good to see the world from another viewpoint. We can all get very focused on our priorities, roles and responsibilities. Occasionally it can be worth swapping seats and seeing how the world looks from a new angle.