All Public health articles – Page 113

  • News

    NHS dentistry spending rises by 50 per cent


    NHS expenditure on dental services increased by 53 per cent between 1997-98 and 2005-06, figures published today by the Information Centre for health and social care show.The strategic health authority showing the greatest percentage increase in expenditure over this period was South Yorkshire at 69 per cent. The lowest rise ...

  • News

    Media Watch: cigarette sales


    'Cigarettes could soon be sold under the counter, just like X-rated magazines once were,' revealed the Daily Star, reporting on Department of Health plans.

  • News

    GPs in poorer areas 'prescribe fewer drugs'


    GPs in poorer areas prescribe fewer drugs and spend less on them than GPs in richer areas, research by Suffolk primary care trust has found.

  • News

    Emergency services get the most calls from deprived areas


    Ambulances are four times more likely to be called out to deprived areas than the most affluent areas, a ground-breaking analysis has found.

  • News

    New guidelines on pregnancy care


    Women should be advised to avoid drinking in the first three months of pregnancy, according to new guidelines for healthcare professionals published today.The guidance on pregnancy care and support was issued by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence and the National Collaborating Centre for Women’s and Children’s Health.

  • News

    Plans to move cigarettes out of sight in shops


    Plans to cut smoking and discourage children from taking it up could lead to cigarettes being sold under the counter.

  • News

    Hospitals to be stripped of unhealthy vending machines


    Vending machines dispensing crisps, chocolate and sugary drinks are to be removed from all NHS hospitals in Wales.Most of these machines are to be removed within the next six months.

  • News

    Problem anger is left unchecked, says mental health charity


    Problem anger is being left untackled in the UK, according to a report published today by the Mental Health Foundation.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    After the smoking ban: early conclusions


    Early conclusions about the impact of the smoking ban since its introduction in England in July 2007 can be drawn from an Information Centre report into NHS stop-smoking services.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Obesity drugs: a growing issue?


    More than 1 million NHS prescription items were dispensed to treat obesity in England in 2006 - eight times the number dispensed in 1999 - according to a compendium of statistics on obesity, physical activity and diet published by the Information Centre for health and social care.

  • Comment

    Paul Jennings on football-friendly marketing


    Through an ongoing commitment to social marketing in health, we have been looking for ways that newer technologies could work for us in delivering messages to target groups.

  • Supplements

    Round table - clinical priorities: a dose of realism


    Wonder drugs will play a part in transforming healthcare - but a roundtable of experts brought together by HSJ and the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry said implementing best practice could be even more important. Alexis Nolan reports

  • News

    Biomedical research centre of excellence for Manchester


    A biomedical research centre to be opened in Manchester will help to prevent, diagnose and treat ill-health and ensure patients benefit from scientific breakthroughs as quickly as possible, the Department of Health has announced.

  • News

    Chief operating officer for NHS Direct


    Paula Higson has been appointed chief operating officer of NHS Direct.

  • Comment

    Media Watch: Olympic health worries


    'I would rather be in music than in politics,' said health secretary Alan Johnson in an interview with The Observer's Music Monthly magazine.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Can fluoridation help the poorest?


    The health secretary's promise of £14m a year over the next three years for water fluoridation schemes has reignited the debate. Strategic health authorities and primary care trusts must persuade local communities to agree to it, but opponents protest that fluoridation is mass medication to benefit the few and point ...

  • News

    Census shows wide variation in numbers of clinical staff


    The government's boast that the NHS has been swelled by thousands of extra clinical staff masks wide regional variations and a flattening in the number of nurses and GPs.

  • Comment

    Emma Dent calls for green spaces without the public urinating


    One of the things I like best about London is that despite being big, dirty, crowded and at times downright chaotic, its allocation of green spaces is among the most generous for any capital city in the world.

  • News

    DH admits target on health inequalities is hard to meet


    The Department of Health has admitted that it will be 'difficult' to meet its target to reduce health inequalities.

  • HSJ Knowledge



    Framinghamis a town inMassachusetts, not far fromBoston. It’s predominantly white and middle class. It provided a refuge for families persecuted in theSalemwitches trials and it’s where the Battle Hymn of the Republic was first sung.So what’s it got to do with how much English primary care trusts spend on statins?The ...