All Public health articles – Page 114

  • News

    Public health doctors condemn private sector contract


    Senior public health figures have condemned the Scottish government's decision to engage PricewaterhouseCoopers to run its patient experience programme.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    More recipes for success from Race for Health


    Why not click through and cook the latest fantastic meal from Race for Health? It's the NHS's flagship programme for supporting better health in black and minority ethnic communities.

  • News

    Ill health costs £100bn


    People should be kept healthy at work and be helped to return to work if they get ill, according to a review of work-related health services.The review, led by national director for health and work Dame Carol Black, found that ill health costs £100bn a year and that the human ...

  • News

    Doctors to get extra training in alcohol-related health problems


    To help tackle the health effects of alcohol misuse 60,000 new doctors are to be trained to identify and treat people who are drinking too much, public health minister Dawn Primarolo has announced.

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    Prison drug services falling short


    Prison drugs services often fall short of even minimum standards, a report by the UK Drug Policy Commission has said. The report says community treatments are likely to more appropriate than imprisonment in many cases but not enough is known about which interventions for drug dependent offenders actually work. ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Médecins Sans Frontières?


    There are conflicting approaches to providing NHS care to those not entitled to it, and the charity Médecins du Monde is at the front line of the battle. Mark Gould reports

  • News

    DH report shows mixed progress on health inequalities


    There has been progress on tackling health inequalities but the difference between women's life expectancy in poor areas and the rest of the country is still growing, says a Department of Health report.

  • News

    NHS celebrates no smoking day


    NHS trusts across the country are staging events and offering advice and support to help people quit smoking on national No Smoking Day today.

  • Comment

    AIDS: getting the word out to diverse communities


    Educating immigrant groups about the AIDS epidemic in the UK must be treated as a key public health priority, as Hazel Barrett explains

  • News

    Pregnant women to get priority on London transport


    Stickers designating priority seating for pregnant women, people with disabilities and people who are unable to stand are to be introduced today on the London Underground system.

  • News

    Prostate checks delayed out of fear, survey shows


    A combination of fear, ignorance and lack of access stops men from having their prostate checked, a survey has found.

  • News

    Doctors raise concerns over 24-hour licensing


    The government must continue to monitor the impact of 24-hour licensing on public health, doctors' leaders have said in the wake of a review of licensing law.

  • Comment

    Sizing up the national child measurement programme


    Forcing primary care trusts to measure all four and 11 year olds in their schools will not help tackle childhood obesity, argues Catherine Gleeson

  • News

    Young women not attending smear tests, Lib Dems claim


    Figures obtained by the Liberal Democrats show that four in 10 women in England under the age of 35 are not attending routine smear tests.

  • News

    NHS smoking ban flouted


    Non-smoking rules are being flouted by patients and staff in two-thirds of NHS hospitals and have led to an increase in litter, according to researchers.Research published in the journal BMC Health Services Research asked three quarters of acute and mental health trusts about the implementation of smoking rules.

  • Comment

    David Peat on community spirit


    It occurred to me the other day that just as TV soap devotees have Coronation Street, in East Lancashire we have Howard Street. But instead of the Rovers Return being the centre of everything that moves, we have Howard Street's community health centre.

  • News

    DH launches housing site section


    The Department of Health has launched a section on its website devoted to housing. Housing has an important role to play in health, well-being and the delivery of health and adult social care services, the website says.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Creating health-promoting hospitals


    Liverpool's Cardiothoracic Centre and the Royal Liverpool Children's Hospital have developed public health strategies aimed at improving the health of hospital staff, patients and the wider community affected by the hospitals, as Dr David Taylor-Robinson explains

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    Government launches 10-year drug strategy


    The government has launched a new 10-year strategy for fighting illegal drug use.

  • News

    C-charge 'has improved health'


    A study published in Occupational and Environmental Medicine has found that the reduced pollution in the capital's congestion charge area has helped improve health.