All Public health articles – Page 115

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    Media Watch


    'A new centre for binge drinking has been identified in the heart of London,' reports The Sunday Times.

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    Tee calls for cash incentives


    NHS Direct could be paid extra to focus on taking calls from patients living in deprived areas or with specific health needs, its chief executive Matt Tee has revealed.

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    New super-regulator begins to take shape


    Last week the bill that will see the merger of three regulators began its process through the Lords. But there are warnings that detail on the new legislation is sketchy, leaving trusts in the dark over how it will affect them. Charlotte Santry reports

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    NICE issues first smoking cessation guidance


    The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence today published its first comprehensive guidance on smoking cessation. It says primary care trusts, strategic health authorities and commissioners should set 'minimum realistic targets' and aim to treat at least 5 per cent of local smokers each year.

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    £3.87m health research funding announced


    Health research funding worth £3.8m has been announced by the Welsh Assembly and the Medical Research Council.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    A check-up for nurses


    A new campaign is encouraging health workers to focus on their own lives for a change. Rosemary Cook explains the ambitions of Nursing No.1

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    Londoners top fruit and veg intake


    A survey by the Food Standards Agency has found that Londoners are significantly more likely than any other region to be eating a least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day.

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    'One in three' children overweight


    New figures show that one in three children aged 10-11 are overweight and London has the highest obesity prevalence in primary school aged children.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Where NICE leads, can commissioners follow?


    There is still a chasm between the process of writing recommendations and the people responsible for commissioning the services to deliver them. Can world class commissioning bring these closer together, asks Martin Dougherty

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Kidney disease: detection is better


    Chronic kidney disease is an underdiagnosed but increasingly common condition. Estimates suggest 4-9 per cent of adults experience the more advanced stages of the disease. The burden on the health service is growing, and 1-2 per cent of the NHS budget is now spent on dialysis alone, say David Meechan ...

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    Of equal weight…


    Your coverage of two related issues in HSJ in separate articles is timely (news analysis and opinion, 14 February). What Sophia Christie's column fails to mention is the pressure faced by NHS colleagues to fund Lucentis in advance of the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence issuing its final ...

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    Scots prop up Healthy Living Centres with £2.5m


    The Scottish government is establishing a transition fund of £2.5m to support Healthy Living Centres at risk of closure due to funding shortfalls.

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    Report side effects, pharmacists urged


    The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency has launched a six-week campaign to get community pharmacists to mention the yellow card scheme for identifying side effects when talking to customers about their medicines.

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    National breastfeeding helpline launched


    A national breastfeeding helpline that will provide practical support and information to mothers - backed by £150,000 a year - was launched by public health minister Dawn Primarolo today.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Smoking: 60 years of kicking the habit


    Attitudes to public health and smoking have evolved enormously since the NHS was established 60 years ago, as Su Xavier explains

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Smoking: 60 years of kicking the habit


    Attitudes to public health and smoking have evolved enormously since the NHS was established 60 years ago, as Su Xavier explains

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Health promoting hospitals


    Liverpool's Cardiothoracic Centre and the Royal Liverpool Children’s Hospital have developed public health strategies aimed at improving the health of hospital staff, patients and the wider community affected by the hospitals. These trusts are two of the largest of their kind in theUK, and the public health implications of all ...

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    Climate change: heatwaves could put 6,000 lives at risk


    The NHS in the South East should be ready for a heatwave that could claim more than 6,000 lives, a Department of Health report has warned.

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    DH updates climate change report


    The Department of Health has published a report on climate change and health.

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    Assembly launches 10-year alcohol strategy


    Tackling the harm caused by alcohol is at the centre of a 10-year substance misuse strategy issued for consultation today by the Welsh Assembly.Working Together to Reduce Harm proposes a joint approach to drugs, alcohol and other misused substances. The strategy will be backed by an extra £9.6m in the ...