All Public health articles – Page 117

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Prevention is better than cure, but by how much?


    Finding the best way to measure the cost-effectiveness and health impact of preventive interventions could help secure more investment, write Julian Le Grand and Robert Sherriff

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    Smoking cessation jumps by a quarter


    Around 165,000 smokers quit between April and September 2007, an increase of 28 per cent compared with the same period last year, according to statistics released today.The figures are from the NHS Stop Smoking Service, which records the number of smokers who have successfully quit at their four-week follow-up interview.

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    GPs told to promote weight constancy not loss


    Primary care staff should promote weight maintenance rather than loss to improve the health of obese patients, according to a discussion paper in the February edition of the British Journal of General Practice.

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    David Woodhead on patient satisfaction


    France and the UK may have different approaches to healthcare delivery, but many of the challenges they face are the same

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Born in Bradford project takes on infant mortality


    Bradford's infant mortality rate is twice the British average. An ambitious project is tracking the lives of 10,000 babies in the archetypal deprived, multi-ethnic city in the hope of understanding why. Emma Dent reports. Pictures by Rii Schroer

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    Scottish funding to tackle obesity


    The Scottish government aims to invest an extra £40m in healthy living and eating programmes targeted at reducing the country's obesity problem.

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    Why achieving equality in healthcare is proving tricky


    Spending on heart disease detection and treatment perfectly illustrates how the neediest patients often get the rawest deal. Could local scrutiny ensure fair play? Sally Gainsbury reports

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    Smoking in decline in the UK, figures show


    Smoking in Britain has hit an all-time low, says a report on smoking and drinking habits from the Office for National Statistics.

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    NICE promotes stair-climbing for fitness


    Ensuring staircases are attractive and clearly signposted is one way public bodies can encourage people to do more exercise, according to new public health guidance.The guidelines from the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence encourage NHS organisations, councils and others to create buildings and spaces that boost physical activity.

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    Brown's good news for public health


    Gordon Brown's New Year commitment to cardiovascular screening is a firm step in the right direction - upstream towards prevention - and although we've heard this kind of thing from government before, this time I get the feeling they really mean it.

  • News

    WHO to discuss effects of climate change on health


    Issues including the effects of climate change on health are due to be discussed this week by the executive board of the World Health Organisation.The board is also due to discuss flu pandemic preparation and polio eradication.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Workplace health trainers


    'Ambassadors' in the workplace are being equipped to promote healthier lives. Lynne Greenwood reports

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    GPs failing to pick up patients at most risk of heart disease


    GPs in some of the poorest areas of the country are failing to identify patients with coronary heart disease and treat them effectively, HSJ’s analysis suggests.

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    Heart death rates show a nation of inequalities


    Research by HSJ has revealed the huge inequalities between healthcare need and NHS spending throughout England.An HSJ analysis of the latest data on coronary heart disease premature death rates and primary care trust heart disease spending shows that some of the PCTs with the greatest health need spend the least.

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    Derby City PCT appoints public health director


    Dr Andrew Wakeman has been appointed as the new director of public health at Derby City primary care trust.

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    Internet used to diagnose embarrassing conditions


    A third of people with embarrassing health conditions would rather use the internet to self-diagnose than visit the doctor, according to a poll carried out by TV channel UKTV Style.The poll also found nearly half of all people with conditions such as sexually transmitted infections or bowel problems were reluctant ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Maggie Rae on action for equality


    Christmas came early for me insofar as all the objectives I wanted to deliver were prioritised in the NHS operating framework. I was delighted to see health inequalities in there.

  • News

    Pregnancy grant a 'gimmick' - Tories


    The Conservative Party has questioned whether Labour's planned grants for pregnant women will provide any health benefits.The health in pregnancy grant will be available from the 29th week of pregnancy to improve the nutrition of expectant mothers, under plans outlined in the Health and Social Care Bill.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Home truths from New Zealand's healthcare system


    The UK and New Zealand are similar enough for them to learn from each other's very different health service reforms, writes Chris Ham

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    Healthy diet messages not hitting home


    Healthy eating messages are failing to change people's decisions on what food to buy, a government report has warned.