All Public health articles – Page 118

  • HSJ Knowledge

    60 years of eating and smoking


    It was in the 'ninth year of austerity' - with the end of full rationing still six years away - that the NHS came into existence on 5 July 1948. The chief medical officer, reporting on the state of the public's health, declared the NHS had begun 'its colossal task' ...

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    Preventive care rhetoric could become reality


    Gordon Brown's keynote health speech was not just a crucial moment in the bid to relaunch his premiership (for more details, click here). As the NHS heads towards its 60th anniversary, his government's ability to deliver these reforms will have a profound impact on the service's long-term future.

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    Vitamin D heart disease link


    Researchers in the US say that a lack of vitamin D may be linked to an increase in heart disease.

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    How to live 14 years longer


    A new study claims that the combination of four health behaviours can add up to 14 years to people's lives.

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    National screening plan unveiled


    Prime minister Gordon Brown was this morning due to announce a national health screening programme to check for early signs of heart disease, stroke and kidney disease.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Partnerships against heart disease


    A collaboration between pharmaceutical firms and the NHS is forming a united front against heart disease, explains Jan Balmer

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    Better diets could save one in 10 lives


    Better diets could save one in every 10 deaths, the Cabinet Office's strategy unit has said.Interim findings from a project looking long-term at UK food policy has found that improving diets could save 70,000 lives a year.

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    Advice for winter vomiting patients


    Patients should stay at home and drink fluids if they are affected by winter vomiting disease, the Royal College of GPs chair has urged.Professor Steve Field also advised patients to take paracetamol, wash hands regularly and stay at home two days after the symptoms have gone.A wave of 56 hospital ...

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    Child vaccination data missing, say Conservatives


    Poor software systems mean that London primary care trusts do not know how many of the 450,000 children in their areas have been given essential vaccinations, the Conservatives have said.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    HSJ review of the year: jobless doctors, lethal bugs and a £1.8bn pile of unspent cash


    A year with more than its fair share of drama saw medics on the streets, C difficile in the wards, Blair and Hewitt on the way out - and an embarrassing surplus in the bank. By Richard Vize

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    Ban alcohol adverts, say top surgeons


    Government and industry events to prevent alcohol-related harm are not working, top surgeons writing in the BMJ have claimed.They urged the government to explore more proven measures instead, such as increasing the price of alcohol, banning alcohol advertising, and reducing its availability.

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    Report highlights x-ray dangers


    X-ray machines may impact on public health, according to the 12th annual report by the Health Protection Agency's Centre for Radiation, Chemical and Environmental Hazards.

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    floods nib


    An interim report into the way public services responded to the summer floods has highlighted confusion over the roles of health organisations in providing health protection advice. The review, led by Sir Michael Pitt, chairman of the South West Strategic Health Authority, calls for urgent clarification from the Department of ...

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    Second-hand smoke doubles allergy risk, research claims


    Babies exposed to second-hand smoke are almost twice as likely to develop allergies to inhaled allergens such as pet hair, according to research released today.

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    Hep C infections increase


    The number of newly diagnosed cases of hepatitis C in England reached 8,346 in 2006 - 10 per cent higher than in 2005, latest figures released by the Health Protection Agency reveal.

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    Inequality at birth still too great, figures show


    The government is not on track to meet its targets for reducing inequalities at birth by 2010.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Public health campaigns: spreading the word about COPD


    How do you encourage a tight-knit community to stop doing the one thing they already know is damaging their health but that they doubt they can live without? Cheshire and Merseyside Partnership for Health did just that with its 'catch your breath' campaign

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    Government stockpiles pandemic flu antivirals


    The government is planning to double its stockpile of antivirals to cover at least half the population in the event of a flu pandemic, health minister Dawn Primarolo revealed in her answer to a parliamentary question.

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    GPs told to be local leaders


    The new chair of the Royal College of GPs has criticised family doctors for failing to 'stand up and shout' about public health issues.

  • Comment

    Noel Plumridge on registering with a GP


    Last time I invited responses to two questions: how to choose a GP and why bother now that direct access services are so good?