All Public health articles – Page 119

  • News

    NHS Direct aims to be national foundation


    NHS Direct has launched a bid to become a foundation trust, potentially opening the doors to a new breed of national foundations.

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    £11 million a year to help Scottish smokers quit


    The Scottish government has said health boards will get a share of £11 million a year to help smokers kick the habit.

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    Lords lead communicable diseases inquiry


    A House of Lords select committee has launched an inquiry into intergovernmental action to control the spread of communicable diseases.

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    E.coli outbreak inquiry to start in February


    Evidence on the second biggest outbreak of E.coli 0157 in the UK, which happened in Wales, will start to be heard in February, the Welsh Assembly has announced.

  • Comment

    David Woodhead on looking to the French for public health cues


    Tackling obesity means watching how - and not just what - we eat. French eating habits could be a good example for the UK

  • News

    NHS stop-smoking clinics are working, research shows


    Research has shown that NHS stop-smoking clinics work, with figures highlighting particular progress in deprived areas.

  • Comment

    Don't lose sight of the threat of HIV/AIDS


    Last week the Terrence Higgins Trust marked its 25th anniversary with a Downing Street reception. Gordon Brown used the occasion to become the first prime minister in 15 years to talk about the severity of HIV rates in Britain.

  • News

    HIV/AIDS 'complacency' risks progress so far


    The UK has 'entered an era of complacency' about HIV and AIDS and risks undermining the progress of the 1980s and 1990s, says a report by the Independent Advisory Group on Sexual Health and HIV.

  • News

    Local planners urged to tackle smoking


    Four public health organisations are uniting to urge local planners to target smoking as a way of tackling health inequalities.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Networking to improve access to psychological therapies


    The London Development Centre's improving access to psychological therapies network was set up to ensure there was an effective communication strategy to promote knowledge and information across London's health and social care communities.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Improving access to psychological therapies in London


    The London Development Centre's improving access to psychological therapies support programme is designed to equip primary care trusts with the tools and techniques needed to drive forward the development of psychological therapy services.

  • News

    CJD death rates stable


    Five people died in 2006 from variant-Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease - the same number as the previous year, latest figures have revealed

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    Underage alcohol abuse criticised


    The Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats have rounded on the government to take action over rising levels of drinking among young people.Parliamentary figures revealed that 1,441 children under 14 were treated in hospital for conditions caused by alcohol abuse.

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    Plan to detain poison victims called 'draconian'


    Concerns have been raised over 'draconian' new powers to detain people for up to 28 days to prevent contamination or infection spreading through the population.

  • News

    Sexual health services warning


    The move to local rather than centrally commissioned sexual health services could result in a dangerous postcode lottery, the Independent Advisory Group on Sexual Health and HIV has warned in its annual report.The group argues there is a 'public health imperative' to ensure full coverage for sexual health and contraceptive ...

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    One in four workers are stressed, survey shows


    A survey has highlighted the problem of workplace stress, which can lead to mental illness, heart disease, back pain and gastrointestinal problems.

  • News

    Hand-washing more effective than drugs, reports BMJ


    Hand-washing, gloves and masks may be more effective in preventing the spread of respiratory viruses such as avian flu and SARS than drugs, the BMJ reports today.

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    GP employment advisers to be trebled


    The government will treble the number of employment advisers in GP surgeries and pilot a new £8m advice and support service for smaller businesses, work and pensions secretary Peter Hain and health secretary Alan Johnson have said.

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    Allergy centre advice rejected


    The Department of Health has rejected the House of Lords science and technology committee's recommendation that each strategic health authority should set up at least one allergy centre.

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    HIV stigma persists, Red Cross survey shows


    One in seven young British people would not be willing to stay friends with someone diagnosed with HIV and one in five would not care for an HIV-positive member of their family, according to a survey carried out for the Red Cross.