All Public health articles – Page 121

  • News

    Chief medical officer calls for action on obesity and smoking


    Overall health in Wales is improving, but action is needed to tackle rising obesity levels, continued high rates of smoking and a growing culture of binge drinking, according to the chief medical officer's report.

  • News

    TB rates high in inner cities, report shows


    The Health Protection Agency has today published its annual report on tuberculosis.

  • News

    Sleep cuts obesity risk


    According to research from the US, a proper night's sleep could help reduce the risk of obesity in children.

  • News

    Breastfeeding boosts IQ, research shows


    Breastfeeding can increase children's IQ when combined with the right genes, say researchers at King's College London.The study found that babies with a version of the FADS2 gene had an increased IQ of nearly seven points if they were breastfed. The results of the research are published in the Proceedings ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Health inequalities: the great divide


    Adding a million years to the lives of East Lancashire's population requires a big push by local partnerships, says David Peat

  • News

    Smoking ban has widespread approval


    Almost 80 per cent of adults believe the smoking ban will improve public health. Those surveyed said hair and clothes not smelling of smoke, a more pleasant atmosphere in pubs, bars and restaurants and cleaner air were the main benefits of the ban.Research carried out for the Department of Health ...

  • News

    Adults eating too little oily fish, survey says


    Less than one-third of UK adults eat at least one portion of oily fish a week, according to a YouGov poll carried out for fish company John West.

  • News

    Teen cervical jab a logistical 'challenge'


    The roll-out of the vaccine to guard against cervical cancer poses a 'big logistical challenge' to primary care trusts, according to the Department of Health immunisation director.

  • News

    Students at risk of hepatitis C


    Half of British students could be exposing themselves to the hepatitis C virus by engaging in 'risky' activities such as getting tattoos and sharing razors and toothbrushes, according to a new survey.Two in three respondents also admitted to being ignorant about the virus or to having no idea what the ...

  • News

    Increased infection risk for homeless drug users


    A report from the Health Protection Agency shows that around three-quarters of injecting drug users have been homeless at some point.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Dave Lee on mental health stigma


    Stigma is one of those words used so frequently in the mental health field that you almost expect it to be an acronym for something else. Tackling it is certainly one of the great challenges in mental health, and an area mental health foundation trust applicants are almost statutorily optimistic ...

  • News

    The Men and Pharmacy project


    Postmen are to be the first to benefit from a project launched by the Men’s Health Forum to encourage men to visit their local pharmacy.The Men and Pharmacy project aims to find out why men make only limited use of pharmacy services and how this might be improved.As part of ...

  • News



    There is 'room for improvement' in the uptake of key diabetes control tests according to a report from The Information Centre for health and social care.The National Diabetes Audit, carried out by The IC on behalf of the Healthcare Commission, for 2005-2006 shows only 30 per cent of people are ...

  • News

    NHS paying high price for sexual health


    The government's lack of commitment to sexual health is costing the NHS millions, charities have warned.

  • Comment

    Michael White on getting tough on obesity


    Politicians need to do more to tackle the growing obesity problem

  • News

    Health profile: experts say child obesity targets may miss the point


    New targets to spur on efforts to tackle the nation's worst public health problems may not work, experts have warned.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Barometer: public health October 2007


    October has seen a tentative increase in confidence over halting the rise in childhood obesity by 2010, according to this month's HSJ Barometer of public health directors. August's low of 2.91 has risen to 3.52 out of 10.

  • News

    New guidance for public health professionals


    The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence has today published public health guidance on the most effective approaches to helping people live healthier lifestyles.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Public health networks reorganised


    The public healthelectronic networks project has now come to an end and the content of some of the sites has been moved to new sites.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Cycle to work scheme booklet


    The London NHS travel plan network has published a guide to the government’s cycle to work scheme in collaboration with the London Cycling Campaign. The scheme provides employees with tax-free loans to purchase bikes for commuting to work. The booklet includes a list of trusts currently operating the scheme.