All Public health articles – Page 122

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    David Peat on ending the enslavement of health inequalities


    Overcoming health inequalities that have built up over generations will take vision and determination

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    Health profile reveals improving outcomes


    Health outcomes have generally improved, with higher life expectancy, lower infant mortality and decreasing mortality rates from cancers, circulatory diseases and suicide, according to the latest health profile of England.

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    Drink warnings needed, says BMA


    The British Medical Association Scotland has called for legislation to introduce compulsory standardised labelling on alcoholic drinks to help people better understand and manage their drinking habits.BMA Scotland chairman Dr Peter Terry said: 'The only way that individuals can keep a check on their own drinking patterns is to have ...

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    PCTs raid public health funds to pay debts


    Primary care trusts will spend less than a third of their Choosing Health funding on the public health problems it was intended to tackle, a survey has revealed.

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    500 more school nurses needed, says Unite


    The union Unite has called for 500 more school nurses to fight the obesity crisis.

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    30 years to tackle obesity trend


    It will take at least 30 years to reverse the trend of spiralling obesity, according to a new report by government think tank Foresight.

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    Cost of obesity equipment doubled


    Hospitals have doubled their spending on equipment for obese patients, new figures revealed by the Liberal Democrats have shown. Hospitals spent an average of£60,000 on measures to treat obese patients this year compared with£30,000 spent three years ago. This included specialist equipment such as beds and chairs as well as ...

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    Campaign promotes school meals


    In a bid to increase healthy eating among young people, the School Food Trust is asking headteachers to join its campaign to increase the number of children eating school food by 1 million per day.

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    Alcohol-related deaths on the rise


    A study published by the North West public health observatory has found that alcohol-related deaths are increasing.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Foreign affairs: migration and the NHS


    Uncertainty about the number of migrant workers in Britain means that planning for demand on local NHS services may become increasingly tricky, writes Alison Moore

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    Obesity crisis as serious as climate change, warns Johnson


    The public health threat posed by obesity in the UK is a 'potential crisis on the scale of climate change', health secretary Alan Johnson has warned.

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    Physical activity pilots launched in London surgeries


    Adults who lead sedentary lifestyles, including some who may be at risk of conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure, are being encouraged by their GPs to take more exercise as part of a new physical activity pilot launched by the Department of Health in partnership with Natural England ...

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    UK is toughest on tobacco, survey shows


    The UK has the strictest tobacco control measures in Europe, a survey of 30 countries has found.

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    Family doctors should prescribe English lessons, Royal College of GPs chair proposes


    GPs should be able to prescribe language lessons to patients who struggle with English, the chair of the Royal College of GPs has urged.

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    sexual health services


    Primary care trusts' management of sexual health services in general practice is 'erratic, uncoordinated and poorly planned', according to new report.The report 'Delivery of Sexual Health in General Practices' published today by the All-Party Parliamentary Pro-Choice and Sexual Health Group found only 5 per cent of general practices in the ...

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    Wales to launch physiotherapy programme


    Chief medical officer for Wales Dr Tony Jewell has announced a new drive to tackle Wales' most common chronic disease.

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    World Health Organisation unveils structural changes


    The head of the World Health Organisation has announced structural changes.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Sport set to replace crime for priority offenders


    Prolific and priority offender schemes recognise that 80 per cent of crime is committed by 20 per cent per cent of offenders. One of the key pathways is improving offenders' mental and physical health.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Choosing Health tackles health inequalities in prisons


    Lifestyle initiatives are being taken into prisons to deliver healthy living messages to the most disadvantaged groups in society, writes David Williams

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Young offender pilot adds drive and motivation


    Paul is a young offender living inside HMP Young Offenders Institute, Swinfen Hall in the West Midlands. In 2006 he was one of the first to complete the prison health trainer training programme.