All Public health articles – Page 123

  • News

    Obesity doubles in 10 years


    A new study has found that the number of men and women under 45 who are morbidly obese has doubled in the last 10 years.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Health developments: doctors on the football pitch


    Sports stadiums are proving mutually attractive as shared sites for NHS health centres, and interest in such ventures is on the increase. Lynne Greenwood is your commentator

  • Comment

    David Woodhead on healthcare for heartbreak


    The health impact of personal distress on service users as well as staff can be heavy and is a real public health challenge, says David Woodhead

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Reducing health inequalities


    Winner East Lancashire PCTThe Accident Prevention Team (ACAP) project was initially developed in 2001 to reduce the number of children below the age of five years attending A&E or GP surgeries due to a home accident. Since 2006 it has expanded to other safety issues.In some of the more ...

  • News

    TB drug collaboration launched


    The Stop TB Partnership global drug facility and HIV/AIDS treatment initiative Unitaid have announced a collaboration with 19 countries to address serious shortages of anti-tuberculosis drugs.

  • News

    Smokers who can't quit


    The Royal College of Physicians has been accused of sending out mixed messages on smoking in its report Harm reduction in Nicotine Addiction: Helping people who can't quit.The report called for a new approach, it said smokers who can't quit should be given nicotine products that will satisfy their addiction ...

  • News

    Give smokers nicotine products, says RCP


    The UK is failing to help heavily addicted smokers give up the habit, the Royal College of Physicians has said.Launching the report Harm Reduction in Nicotine Addiction: helping people who can't quit, Professor John Britton, chair of the RCP's tobacco advisory group, said nicotine products could help smokers kick the ...

  • News

    Teenage pregnancy: confidentiality guide hailed as step forward


    Moves to strengthen confidentiality for young people have been hailed as a step forward in efforts to bring down teenage pregnancy rates.

  • News

    Call to meet equality obligations to men


    The Men's Health Forum has challenged the new Commission for Equality and Human Rights to take immediate action to ensure the NHS meets its obligations to men.

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    Confederation call to tackle health inequalities


    Moves to tackle health inequalities must start with the most excluded, the NHS Confederation has urged.

  • News

    CJD disease figures released


    The Department of Health has released the latest information about the numbers of known cases of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.This includes cases of variant CJD - the form of the disease thought to be linked to bovine BSE.

  • Comment

    Lisa Rodrigues on intoxicating publicity


    It was impossible to miss the publication of the Alastair Campbell diaries - the newspaper serialisation and TV programme meant people were talking about them everywhere. While some may have diagnosed a serious case of work-related stress, I just thought he showed great timing, and he got me thinking about ...

  • News

    Age-friendly city guide launched


    The World Health Organisation has published a guide to age-friendly cities.

  • News

    Legal smoking age increases


    The age at which tobacco can be bought legally increases from 16 to 18 today.Public health minister Dawn Primarolo said the move would help shopkeepers spot underage smokers and reduce the number of young people who become addicted to nicotine.

  • News

    At risk groups urged to get flu jab


    The government is launching a new campaign to mark the start of the flu season and encouraging 'at risk' groups to get a flu jab.

  • News

    Public consultation to decide on the NHS's next step


    Public 'juries' in 10 cities linked up live last week to kick off a huge consultation to help decide nothing less than the NHS's future. And the prime minister put in a suprise appearance. Helen Mooney reports

  • News

    Johnson at odds with prime minister over alcohol licensing laws


    Health secretary Alan Johnson has publicly dismissed the chief medical officer's concerns about extended licensing hours - a view that now appears to put him at odds with his own prime minister.

  • News

    Reach out to excluded groups, urges NHS Confederation


    The NHS Confederation report In Sickness and In Health states that moves to create a personalised NHS must start with the most excluded and work to tackle health inequality.

  • News

    Campaign to cut child deaths launched


    In an effort to cut maternal and child deaths, a global coalition of governments and organisations will launch an advocacy drive today entitled Deliver Now for Women and Children.

  • News

    Children to be weighed in bid to tackle obesity


    The Department of Health has released a national child measurement programme, part of the government’s work on childhood obesity.The guidance was developed following wide consultation with primary care trusts and schools. It provides advice to PCTs on arrangements for measuring the height and weight of primary and middle school children.