All Public health articles – Page 124

  • News

    Survey investigates malnutrition


    A three-day survey has been launched to establish how many people across the UK are malnourished when admitted to hospital and care homes.According to the British Association for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, the results will provide hospitals and care homes with evidence of the scale of the problem in their ...

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    Assembly sets out to improve public's diet


    A consultation designed to help improve eating habits has been launched by the Welsh Assembly.

  • News

    Join the Big Quit Club, smokers urged


    NHS Smokefree is to launch a nationwide campaign on commercial radio stations encouraging smokers to quit for good.

  • News

    NHS Direct campaign launched


    NHS Direct has begun a new advertising campaign to remind the public of its 24/7 telephone advice service.The campaign will start on local and regional radio, moving to printed press next month.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Health hotel: exploring inequalities


    At the 'Access to all areas' event speakers will address the uneven picture of public health, and ask why - despite some progress - gaps are still widening. Helen Mooney reports

  • Comment

    Lisa Rodrigues on the traits of executives


    Being a chief executive is a wonderful job for those with a well-developed sense of responsibility. I read somewhere that more leaders are firstborn children than any other family position and I can understand why. As the first child, you are automatically expected to take responsibility for your siblings. If, ...

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    Michael White on panic politics


    'I imagined patients queuing outside their local hospital, just like Northern Rock'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Long-term sick leave is a pain in the neck


    Nearly 10 million working days are lost each year to musculoskeletal disorders. With evidence that lack of work can be bad for people's health, Stephen Bevan argues 'signing off' is not the only option

  • News

    McNab to shake up DoH on public health


    The Department of Health has brought in a former primary care trust chief executive to shake up performance on public health.

  • News

    Lib Dems: time to scrap PCTs


    Primary care trusts should be scrapped and replaced with elected local health boards, the Liberal Democrats have proposed.

  • Comment

    Sophia Christie on facing up to diversity


    'Her one-year-old's diet was two packets of crisps a day and a glass of milk'

  • News

    Primary care inequalities to be Johnson's top focus


    Health secretary Alan Johnson has pledged to put primary care at the centre of the government drive to improve the UK's health.

  • News

    Inequality targeted


    The most deprived areas of the country are to get help to raise life expectancy and meet 2010 targets to reduce health inequalities with a health inequalities intervention tool.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    A game for two players


    The Healthy Schools initiative continues to be a thriving joint programme, reports Varya Shaw

  • News

    Deadly E. coli outbreak


    The public health protection unit at NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde is working with environmental health at Renfrewshire Council, the Food Standards Agency and Health Protection Scotland to identify the source of a deadly outbreak of E.coli in Paisley. It had killed one woman and infected six others at the ...

  • News



    There are more binge drinkers in Yorkshire and the Humber than in any other English region a report has shown.The report has been written by the North West Public Health Observatory as part of a series of Indications of Public Health in the English Regions from the Association of Public ...

  • News

    nib 6


    Graphic pictures illustrating the effects smoking can have on health will be printed on all cigarette packets from next year, health secretary Alan Johnson has announced.The 15 images to be used were chosen following a consultation in 2006, market research and a public vote. The move makes the UK the ...

  • News

    nib 4


    A report published this week by the Department of Health shows that the number of children achieving their five a day intake of fruit and vegetables has increased by 13 per cent in two years. Figures show that the number of children achieving 5 a day has increased from 27 ...

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    Cases of invasive pneumococcal disease down


    The number of cases of invasive pneumococcal disease in children has fallen since the introduction of a new vaccine a year ago, figures show.

  • News

    Vaccine could cut cases of cervical cancer


    A new vaccine could reduce cases of cervical cancer and genital warts if introduced into the national immunisation programme, the Health Protection Agency has said.