All Public health articles – Page 127

  • News

    Large waist increases heart disease risk


    Scientists in Texas have warned that people with a larger waist-to-hip ratio may be at increased risk of heart disease.

  • News

    When will NHS digital dreams become a reality for patients?


    The internet is helping feed the public's huge appetite for information. But with NHS websites struggling to live up to their potential and fears of a 'digital divide', how is the health service going to meet this challenge? Alison Moore reports.

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    Contract awarded for flu vaccine


    Two pharmaceutical companies have won a £155.4m contract to supply a vaccine as soon as an expected pandemic flu outbreak is confirmed.

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    Booklet to help pharmacists spot alcoholics


    A new booklet written to help healthcare professionals recognise and advise alcoholics will be sent out to all 4,000 Boots dispensing pharmacists.

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    UK urged to adopt international child growth standards


    A joint report by the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition and the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health has recommended adopting World Health Organisation child growth standards in the UK.

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    Alcohol abuse worst in North West, report claims


    People living in the North West are more likely to die from alcohol-related illnesses than anywhere else in England, according to a new report.

  • News

    9When will NHS digital dreams become a reality for patients?


    The internet is helping feed the public's huge appetite for information. But with NHS websites struggling to live up to their potential and fears of a 'digital divide',.how is the health service going to meet this challenge? Alison Moore reports

  • News

    Mixed performance in community mental healthcare


    Pace of change and improvement in community mental healthcare has been variable and service users are often too little involved in their care, according to a review carried out by the Healthcare Commission and the Commission for Social Care Inspection. It said that although services had improved, some people still ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    A game for two players


    The Healthy Schools initiative continues to be a thriving joint programme, reports Varya Shaw

  • Comment

    An ode to the Daily Mail?


    Michael White's 800-word bansturbation (opinion, page 10, 26 July) to the thought of stricter discipline and control of drugs, drinking, gambling and advertising included a stout defence of the Daily Mail. Will HSJ soon have a Daily Mail editor as its political columnist?Rory Meakin is patient safety co-ordinator at Camden ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    A game for two players


    The Healthy Schools initiative continues to be a thriving joint programme, reports Varya Shaw

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Reducing maternal death rates in Malawi


    Maternal and neo-natal death is one of the biggest healthcare issues facing developing countries. To help tackle this, the Health Foundation is running a three-year programme dedicated to improving the quality of healthcare for mothers and babies in Malawi.

  • News

    Smoking battle heats up as age law targets the cool kids


    Raising the legal age for buying tobacco is the government's latest salvo in the war on smoking, and it is working hard to ensure maximum impact. Helen Mooney reports

  • News

    Mums more depressed in the North


    A survey of mothers has found that the further north mums live, the more likely they are to suffer from post-natal depression. The survey, carried out byparenting support and information website Netmums, found that mothers inScotlandand northernEnglandwere significantly more likely to be suffering from pos-tnatal depression than those in the ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Stephen Ramsden on telling tales


    'It was my first real local experience of the power of the patient's story, and has led to dramatic improvements in our stillbirth rates today'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    New media - new medicine?


    Innovative projects in patient care are making good use of new media, write Shak Gohir and Eve Knight

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Public health and service integration


    The Role of Public Health in Integrated Services is a 48-page discussion paper that provides an overview of the scope of public health practice. It outlines some of the tools and techniques that might be used in designing and evaluating integrated services, and explains how they might be used as ...

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    HPA warning on sexual health target


    Increasing pressure on sexual health services could undermine progress towards the target of ensuring patients have access to a genito-urinary medicine clinic within 48 hours by 2008.

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    New PSAs will boost local freedoms


    Trusts are to be given greater freedom from central government to set their own local priorities and spend government funding as they see fit.

  • News

    Fewer targets means more accountability


    'The reduction in targets does not mean data collection will be weakened. For example, health inequalities cannot be monitored without understanding smoking cessation, obesity and infant mortality'