All Public health articles – Page 129

  • News

    WHO renews efforts to eliminate Chagas disease


    A new strategy to eliminate Chagas disease by 2010 will be launched by the World Health Organisation.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Ruth Hussey on improvement through inspection


    'Good managers should view inspection and regulation as an opportunity to provide external reassurance and to ensure that minimum standards are met'

  • News

    Smoking ban in place


    It is now illegal to smoke in virtually all enclosed public places and workplaces in England. Health secretary Alan Johnson said the move was the single most important public health legislation for a generation.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Self-care: looking after number one


    A project that encourages people who visit their GPs more than necessary to take responsibility for their well-being has helped to reduce pressure on primary care and promote healthy living. Louise Hunt reports

  • News

    Alcohol consumption doubles among young girls


    The average amount of alcohol consumed by 11 to 13 year olds every week has almost doubled since it was last recorded in 1996, from 5.5 units to 10.1 units in 2006. Among girls, the amount has more than doubled.

  • Comment

    David Woodhead on gathering evidence


    'Science might come up with some interesting ideas, but ultimately the likelihood of adopting evidence is driven by our values. Mass sterilisation of young men might be an effective method of reducing teenage pregnancies, although for good reasons it would not be considered practical'

  • News

    Investment needed to tackle drug resistance


    Deaths from previously treatable infections such as tuberculosis, meningitis and pneumonia will become more common unless there is investment in the science needed to tackle antibiotic resistance, the Royal Society has warned in a report published today.

  • News

    DoH report promotes health partnerships


    Partnerships for Better Health, a new Department of Health report, explains how the government can help non-statutory, commercial and not-for-profit organisations promote healthy living and deliver public health goals. The report uses case studies and best practice tips to encourage local partnership working.

  • News

    Cervical cancer jab will save thousands of lives, says charity


    Cancer Research UK says it is 'delighted' that government vaccination experts have recommended a cervical cancer vaccination programme for all girls aged 12 and 13.

  • News

    NHS Confederation rolling news: Knowsley bucks smoking trend


    Ditching the NHS logo has helped Knowsley Health and Social Care buck the national trend of falling quit rates of those stopping smoking.

  • News

    Northern Ireland CMO urges public to live healthily


    Northern Ireland's chief medical officer has said that people must be encouraged to lead healthier lifestyles over the next decade.

  • News

    NHS Choices is launched


    NHS Choices, a health information website, has been launched. The site is designed to help the public make informed choices about their health, including when and where they receive treatment.

  • News

    Smokers need more support to quit, says mental health charity


    New research from the Mental Health Foundation says more needs to be done to support people with mental health problems to help them stop smoking.

  • News

    Health visitor role under review


    Health visitors should lead and deliver a renewed child health promotion programme and provide intensive early intervention and prevention for families most in need of help, according to a review of the role.

  • News

    TB prescription charges to be scrapped


    Prescription charges for drugs to combat tuberculosis are to be scrapped.

  • News

    Report examines young people's attitude to sex


    A report on sex, drugs, alcohol and young people has been published by the Independent Advisory Group on Sexual Health and HIV.

  • News

    Will next month's ban fire up PCT stop-smoking services?


    With the smoking ban just days away, the government points to huge funding boosts for smoking cessation, but is the money hitting home? Daloni Carlisle reports

  • News

    DoH publishes diagnostic waiting times


    The Department of Health has published the latest waiting times for diagnostic procedures.

  • News

    Diabetes fact sheet to help health professionals


    The National Diabetes Support Team has published a fact sheet to help health professionals plan the care of people with the condition.

  • News

    New initiative reaches out to carers


    A 'New Deal for Carers' consultation has been launched by the Department of Health.