All Public health articles – Page 130

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Unlocking care: improving the health of prisoners


    Many PCTs struggle to provide for the specialist needs of prisoners. But a different way ahead is emerging. Alison Moore reports

  • News

    Patient opinion website increases its scope


    The independent website that allows patients to comment on their NHS experience is set to become available throughout the country this week.

  • News

    WHO highlights new hope for malnourished children


    The World Health Organisation and associates have highlighted new evidence on the treatment of malnutrition.

  • News

    2012 Olympics STI risk overlooked


    The London Olympic Games in 2012 is in danger of becoming a sexual health disaster, one of the UK's leading sexual health charities has warned.

  • News

    'On track to hit the 18-week target'


    Nearly half of patients are currently being treated within 18 weeks, a year and a half ahead of schedule, according to figures published by the Department of Health.

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    New guidance for GPs on managing hepatitis C


    New guidance to improve the management of hepatitis C in primary care has been launched by the Royal College of GPs.

  • News

    Study probes mental health in the workplace


    A new report from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and Active Health Partners claims that mental ill health is the second largest cause of time lost due to sickness absence in UK organisations.

  • News

    Next steps for national alcohol strategy


    Public health minister Caroline Flint and Home Office minister Vernon Coaker have launched Safe, Sensible, Social - next steps for the national alcohol strategy.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Sunny outlook: weather and health


    A joint project with the Met Office is delivering health benefits for patients in Torquay, says Alison Stephens

  • News

    Healthcare Commission announces hygiene spot checks


    The Healthcare Commission has today launched a year-long programme of unannounced spot checks to 120 NHS trusts to check compliance with the government's Hygiene Code.

  • News

    Doctors 'need more guidance on foetal alcohol syndrome'


    The British Medical Association says healthcare professionals need more guidance to help them diagnose and treat children suffering from foetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) - learning and physical disabilities and behavioural problems caused by women drinking alcohol during pregnancy.

  • News

    Quit-smoking figures reveal social divide


    The number of people using NHS services to quit smoking fell by 10 per cent last year.

  • News

    Anti-smoking drug gains NICE backing


    A drug that helps smokers quit their habit has been approved in draft guidelines by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence.Champix is recommended for people who have expressed a desire to quit smoking and should normally be prescribed alongside behavioural support.Click here for more details

  • News

    Primary care trusts charged with rewriting £300m script


    The National Audit Office has urged primary care use generic medicines to save money. Oliver Evans hears from the leaders who will be expected to drive the savings in the milieu of restructuring and inform GP prescribing behaviour right down the line

  • News

    'Damning' review slams family planning services


    The results of a review into contraceptive services in England are a 'damning indictment of contraceptive provision' in the NHS, according to sexual health campaigners.

  • News

    Men face greater risk of cancer


    Men are nearly twice as likely as women to develop and die from all types of cancer that can affect both sexes, according to a report published by cancer organisations.

  • News

    Dental contracts still in dispute


    Dental contracts representing 4 million units of dental activity have still not been resolved, more than a year after being signed, year-end figures from the Department of Health show.

  • News

    WHO fund to fight yellow fever


    The World Health Organisation has received a $58m grant to fight yellow fever in Africa.The fund will support special immunisation campaigns in a dozen West African countries at high risk of yellow fever

  • Comment

    1997 and all that: Blair remembered


    The NHS has transformed remarkably since Tony Blair entered Number 10 in May 1997, reinvigorating a struggling monolith with record investment.

  • Comment

    David Peat on Life on Mars (NHS-style)


    'Much has been achieved in medicine and health, yet we have major issues surrounding obesity, alcohol abuse, sexual behaviour and drugs. We can't moralise, but some of the difficulties of 1970s society have morphed into new and sometimes exaggerated forms'