All Public health articles – Page 131

  • News

    DoH seeks views on health effects of climate change


    The Department of Health has published a report on the health effects of UK climate change.Floods, heat waves and an increase in tick-borne diseases are all listed as potential problems brought on by climate change. A draft document has been placed on the DoH website for comment.Find out more here

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    DoH publishes Choosing Health progress report


    The Department of Health has published an update report on progress made under the 2004 Choosing Health public health white paper. The document provides 'tangible evidence of where action set out in Choosing Health is achieving success' the DoH said.Read the update here

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    Cash-strapped contraceptive services plead for a target


    Contraceptive services are struggling as PCTs direct budgets to the GUM target. Family planning needs a target of its own, reports Helen Mooney

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    Tories and Lib Dems criticise Blair legacy


    The three main political parties have come out fighting over what 10 years under a Labour government has meant for the NHS.

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    Health Protection Agency to develop guidance as C difficile rates rise by 8pc


    The Health Protection Agency has been charged by the Department of Health with producing new guidance on Clostridium difficile, as it emerged that cases have risen by 8 per cent.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Have you got the Sex Factor? THT appeals for best practice


    Levels of sexually transmitted infections in the UK have soared. Lisa Power looks at some of the organisational reasons why and invites entries to Terrence Higgins Trust's Sex Factor best practice competition

  • News

    Britain's 'silent' stroke risk


    Nearly a quarter of people in the UK are unknowingly at risk of suffering a stroke from undiagnosed high blood pressure, a charity has warned.The Stroke Association has launched a campaign to encourage people to get their blood pressure checked after a national survey revealed that 30 per cent of ...

  • News

    Drug use falls, claims information centre


    The number of people in contact with structured drug treatment services rose by 13 per cent from 2004-05 to 2005-06 and was more than double those in 1998-99, according to figures from the Information Centre for health and social care.The Statistics on Drug Misuse: England, 2007 report shows that drugs ...

  • News

    Hospital patients to get VTE risk assessments


    Every patient should be assessed for potentially fatal blood clots on admission to hospital, chief medical officer, Sir Liam Donaldson announced as he launched a working party report on venous thromboembolism (VTE).A national risk assessment tool is being developed for clinicians to detect the complications of VTE, which include deep ...

  • News

    Diagnostic test waiting times released by DoH


    Diagnostics waiting times and activity data for February and the census of all diagnostic tests up to December 31 2006 have been published by the Department of Health.The data shows progress in tackling waiting times for tests such as scans. The monthly data gives the waiting times for 15 key ...

  • News

    How crude tariffs are getting under the skin of specialists


    Dermatologists and rheumatologists have claimed their specialties are under threat of bankruptcy and patient care at risk as the payment by results tariffs do not cover costs. Is a move into community care services really a better option, asks Daloni Carlisle

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    Error data shows concern over coding


    Comparative analysis of patient safety using a set of US indicators has heightened concerns about the quality of NHS trust coding, according to a Dr Foster Intelligence study.

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    DoH challenged over sexual health 'millions


    The Department of Health has been asked to explain where the 'missing millions' that should have been spent on sexual health have gone.

  • News

    Abortion research leads to call for better education


    New research conducted by Southampton University shows that because of myths about what having an abortion is like, women can be too frightened to seek counselling or treatment earlier.Many do not know where to get impartial information about unintended pregnancy or abortion. The British Pregnancy Advisory Service is calling for ...

  • Comment

    David Woodhead on social marketing


    'It is naive to suggest that the effectiveness of interventions alone is the only issue we face in seeking to change behaviour. There are wider challenges in terms of respecting diversity and ensuring our work is culturally appropriate'

  • News

    Eight steps to effective commissioning


    Government rhetoric about patient-centred.commissioning is loud and clear. But how will it work on the ground?

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    Key points in the commissioning framework for health and well-being


    'The proposals in the document could mean the NHS paying for air-conditioning in the homes of people with chronic lung disease, or GPs prescribing anger management classes for children with behavioural problems.'.

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    Bob Ricketts on the commissioning framework for health and well-being


    'Turning the framework into action will of course depend on the response of all the individuals commissioning and providing care and support and also, crucially, users and carers themselves.'

  • News

    WHO steps up plans to eliminate deadly parasite


    The World Health Organisation has announced plans to step up efforts to eliminate Chagas disease, a parasitic disease which affects an estimated 9 million people, mostly children.Chagas disease causes its victims' internal organs to slowly swell and can cause eventual death. The disease used to largely affect people in rural ...

  • News

    WHO praises price cuts for HIV drugs


    The World Health Organisation has welcomed the decision of Abbott Laboratories to significantly reduce the price of lopinavir/ritonavir, a second-line antiretroviral therapy to help in the fight against HIV/AIDS.WHO has reaffirmed its commitment to universal access to HIV prevention services and treatment for people living with HIV/AIDS by 2010.Read more ...