All Public health articles – Page 132

  • News

    Best practice: joining up community sport and health services


    A lottery grant for school sport in Merseyside has sparked the creation of a landmark in community sport: a patch of wasteland has been transformed into a £5.2m sports and health hub, where cardiac rehabilitation happens alongside.track events and football matches. Jonathon Ives reports

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    Government publishes obesity toolkit


    An obesity toolkit containing practical tips and information has been launched by the Department of Health to help people improve their health.With almost a quarter of the adult population now classified as obese and with the proportion of obese children rising by more than 40 per cent from 1995-2004, the ...

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    Final report for Barrow Legionella outbreak


    The Health and Safety Executive has published the final report into the Barrow Legionella outbreak.The report calls for adherence to sensible risk management, and will appear on the HSE website.Find out more here

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Networking is essential to improving public health


    The Cheshire and Merseyside Public Health Network has brought partners together to take action on public health.

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    Wales goes smoke free


    Wales has enforced a smoking ban in all enclosed public spaces from today. Northern Ireland chief medical officer Dr Michael McBride used the move to remind Northern Ireland that that country will also go smoke free from 30 April.

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    Survey reveals inaccurate perceptions on smoking


    Most young people in England believe that becoming a smoker is the norm, a survey by charity Cancer Research UK has found.While official smoking figures put the proportion of adults in England who smoke at about a quarter, nearly 83 per cent of the 16-24-year-olds questioned in the survey believed ...

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    Proposals to update law on infectious diseases


    Public health minister Caroline Flint today welcomed the publication of a consultation paper setting out the government's proposals for changes to the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984.Ms Flint called for legislation to promote an 'effective and proportionate' response to the potential spread of infectious diseases and contamination.Read more ...

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    First anniversary of Scottish smoking ban welcomed


    First Minister Jack McConnell has welcomed the first anniversary of the Scottish ban on smoking in enclosed public places.Mr McConnell said the move was one of the greatest achievements of devolution.Read the press release here

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    Breast screening programme detects more early cases


    More cases of breast cancer were detected in 2005-06 by the NHS breast screening programme than in any previous year, The Information Centre for health and social care announced today.Over 13,500 cases of breast cancer were diagnosed in women aged 50 and over, an increase of 13 per cent over ...

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    More funding needed for neglected diseases, says BMA


    A British Medical Association report published today says that since 2000 there has been a resurgence in drugs to treat diseases such as malaria and leprosy, but that governments across the world have failed to invest in them.BMA International Committee chair Dr Edwin Borman said: 'This report gives hope to ...

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    Minister launches smoke ban countdown


    The government is stepping up its campaign to help businesses get ready for the smoking ban, which comes into force on 1 July.Launching the 100-day countdown, public health minister Caroline Flint said: 'The new law will protect everyone from the harm of second-hand smoke at work and in public places, ...

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    Tuberculosis rise continues


    Provisional figures released by the Health Protection Agency for 2006 show that cases of tuberculosis in England, Wales and Northern Ireland have increased 2 per cent from 8,008 cases reported in 2005 to 8,171 in 2006.London continues to account for the highest proportion of cases (42 per cent), but provisional ...

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    HSE chair calls for improved workplace health regulation


    Health and Safety Executive chair Bill Callaghan has called for employers and unions to work more closely together to promote health and well-being at work.Delivering the annual lecture in memory of former ACAS chair Sir Pat Lowry, he said informal self-regulation would be more efficient than anything imposed by HSE ...

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    Call for joint posts to ease tension


    More senior manager joint appointments are needed to help curb growing tensions between health and local government about cost-shunting, a primary care network has said.

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    Experts split over Tories' big idea for public health


    The Conservative Party's plan to transform public health by creating independent local budgets has divided experts.

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    Pandemic flu guidelines published for social care


    The Department of Health has published guidelines for dealing with an influenza pandemic.The guidelines, for social care staff and volunteers, is supplementary to the revised national framework on responding to a flu pandemic.Read the guidance here

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    Men 'not worried about getting prostate cancer'


    A poll commissioned by the Prostrate Cancer Charity suggests men are more worried about their pension that they are about the possibility of getting prostate cancer.Asked about their concerns about getting older, 32 per cent said their pension, 13 per cent said getting prostate cancer, seven per cent weight gain ...

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    Family health initiative launched


    Public health minister Caroline Flint today launched the Healthy Living Initiative, a programme to help families lead healthier lives.The programme will tackle barriers to healthy living through a range of initiatives aimed at families with young children.Ms Flint said: 'Tackling overweight and obesity in children is complex because there are ...

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    Mental health de-stigmatising campaign launched


    A public information campaign aimed at de-stigmatising mental health and promoting suicide prevention and awareness has been launched in Northern Ireland.A TV advertisement for the campaign, part of work on suicide prevention, will be shown throughout Northern Ireland.Find out more here

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    Lord Crisp heads bid to tackle health worker shortage


    A World Health Organisation international task force co-chaired by former NHS chief executive Lord Crisp met for the first time today to tackle the global shortage of health workers.The shortfall of workers worldwide is around 4.3 million in 57 countries, including 1 million in 36 countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Initial ...