All Public health articles – Page 134

  • News

    New funding for parent support services


    Families minister Beverley Hughes has announced that £7.5m will be spent on information and support services for parents.From April 10 pilot areas will offer new mothers extra help from their midwife and health visitor. The health-led schemes are modelled on a version in the US which helps to reduce accidental ...

  • News

    Bigger and clearer cigarette warnings more effective


    Research part funded by Cancer research UK has found bigger and clearer health warnings on cigarette packs are more likely to help people quite smoking.Graphic images were found to be more effective still.

  • Comment

    Hilary Thomas on reconfiguration and supercasinos


    So far this year I've enjoyed a strange mixture of speaking to the public about the case for change; getting involved in what I might loosely term 'people processes' - all of which has been a rich source of learning; and finding myself in a new-found role of professional patient.

  • News

    No one to talk to say young people with eating disorders


    A survey of young people with eating disorders has found 92 per cent could not tell anyone they had a problem.Only one per cent felt they could talk to their parents, nine per cent could talk to someone at school and 17 per cent to a nurse or doctor.Eating disorder ...

  • News

    Kids to get obesity education


    Schoolchildren will be taught how exercise affects fitness and health, as part of an attempt to tackle childhood obesity, education secretary Alan Johnson has announced.Following a review by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, schools will also be able to introduce whatever physical activity best suits their pupils.Find out more here

  • News

    Smoking ban examption for mental health


    Mental health trust managers have been told how a one-year exemption for their buildings will operate when the new smoking regulations come into force in July.The national clinical director for mental health Professor Louis Appleby has written to mental health trust chief executives to explain where smoking will be allowed ...

  • News

    5 per cent rise in C difficile cases


    Cases of the infection Clostridium difficilehave risen by over 5 per cent in the past year, according to figures published by the Health Protection Agency.The figures show 42,625 cases of C difficilefor the first three-quarters of 2006, showing ...

  • News

    Clostridium difficile rates on the rise


    Rates of Clostridium difficileinfection increased by 5.5 per cent in patients aged 65 years and over in the first three quarters of 2006, compared to the same period in 2005, according to figures published by the Health Protection Agency.However rates of MRSA blood infection ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Ruth Hussey on prevention


    By now, New Year's resolutions will have been made and broken. Many people will have pledged to adopt healthier lifestyles, and many column inches will have been devoted to such ambitions. Often the messages are complex, with competing advice on what is important and how to achieve one's goals.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Dave Roberts on QOF and chronic diseases


    'As well as supporting QOF payments, the QMAS provides the NHS with a database of public health information on the prevalence of chronic and long-term illnesses.'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    What the statistics reveal about tackling obesity


    As slimming advice overwhelms the media in the new year, the Information Centre for health and social care has added to the throng with a compendium of information on obesity, physical activity and diet.

  • News

    Another boost for drug treatment funding


    Funding for drug treatment services is set to increase as the government looks to build on the progress made in getting people into treatment over the last few years.Public health minister Caroline Flint announced the pooled drug treatment budget is to increase from £375m to £388m for 2007-08.Find out more ...

  • News

    PCTs wanted for interactive media health service


    The government is calling on strategic health authorities to suggest primary care trusts to test NHS Health Direct, a new interactive media service to help people improve their health.

  • News

    New moves to tackle obesity in children


    The Commons public accounts committee has published its eighth report on child obesity based on evidence from the departments of Health; Education and Skills; and Culture, Media and Sport.It is estimated the rise in obesity costs the NHS around £1bn a year.The government aims to tackle these problems by influencing ...

  • News

    Schools in deprived areas to get pedometers


    Children at schools in deprived areas are to be given pedometers as part of a £494,000 project to motivate inactive children to become fitter.Public health minister Caroline Flint launched the National School Pedometer Programme, which will see 250 schools across the country given 45,000 pedometers.Ms Flint said: 'Using pedometers in ...

  • News

    Drinking levels lower in London than rest of country


    Londoners are less likely to drink alcohol than the rest of the country according to a new report, London, the Highs and Lows 2, launched by mayor Ken Livingstone.Young Londoners are also less likely to use drugs than young people in other parts of ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Information stations


    Tom Morgan and Nick Coyle on how valuable data from QOF results can help compare GP performance and improve patient care

  • News

    Meningitis vaccine collaboration announced


    The Health Protection Agency and Serum Institute of India are to work together to produce a vaccine that will combat all the principal forms of meningitis in a bid to reduce the burden of the disease in developing countries. The project was announced by chancellor Gordon Brown.Read Mr Brown's speech

  • News

    Overweight drivers urged to detox


    The RAC Foundation has called for overweight drivers to look at their habits after finding that they are twice as likely to be killed or seriously injured in road accidents.Every hour spent behind the wheel increases the risk of obesity, says the charitable

  • News

    Consumers switch on to healthy eating message


    The Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs has revealed a rise in demand for fruit and vegetables in the last year as the public starts to adopt healthier lifestyles.New figures suggest people bought more fruit and vegetables in 2005-06, while buying less confectionary and soft drinks.The Expenditure and ...