All Public health articles – Page 135

  • News

    A new realism needed on CJD


    Surely the time has come to end the monthly issue of CJD statistics. Last year's returns showed there were only five deaths from vCJD (7.5 per cent of total) compared with 62 deaths from non-vCJD. Peak mortality from vCJD was reached in 2000 when 28 deaths (34 per cent of ...

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    Smoking cessation more successful in deprived areas, says report


    Primary care trusts in areas of deprivation are providing the best approach to reducing smoking levels, says the Healthcare Commission in a report today.Half the PCTs rated excellent were in deprived areas where smoking is most prevalent.Read the report here

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    Doctors call for more allergy specialists


    There is a need for more allergy specialists and better training for health professionals, a delegation of doctors from the medical royal colleges has told the Lords' science and technology committee.The committee is overseeing an ongoing investigation into allergy and allergic diseases.Find out more here

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    NHS should treat gambling addiction


    The British Medical Association has called for gambling treatment to be made available on the NHS.In recommendations to help healthcare professionals deal with the growing problem of gambling addiction, it calls for gambling operators to pay at least £10m a year to fund research, prevention and intervention programmes.From September new ...

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    US best practice on diabetes care


    Knowledge gained from a Health Foundation fellowship trip to the US is being brought into play in Bolton

  • HSJ Knowledge

    US best practice on diabetes care


    Knowledge gained from a Health Foundation fellowship trip to the US is being brought into Bolton

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Doncaster PCT: helping incapacity benefit claimants back into work


    A new local occupational health service has resulted from a project that focused on incapacity benefit claimants.

  • Comment

    Dr Pat Troop on managing the Polonium-210 outbreak


    Staff have learned what it is like to work intensively at that speed under public and political scrutiny, and it has been useful training for future events, such as pandemic flu

  • News

    Campaign to bring cold comfort for older people


    The Department of Health is using tomorrow's St Hilary's day - the coldest day of the year, according to folklore - to raise the profile of its Keep Warm Keep Well campaign. It offers advice to older people, disabled people, those on low incomes and anyone else who needs it ...

  • News

    Multimedia advice pioneers wanted


    The Department of Health and NHS Direct are calling for primary care trusts to come forward to bid to become the the early adopter for a new NHS Health Direct service to provide multimedia advice supporting personal health improvement. The internet, digital television and mobile phone service was proposed in ...

  • News

    Exclusive: Memo says NHS will not meet MRSA target next year - or possibly ever


    The NHS is not on track to hit the April 2008 MRSA target - and the government's own experts believe the goal of halving the incidence of infection from its 2004 rate may never be achieved.

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    PM's delivery unit to report on MRSA


    The prime minister's delivery unit is due to report this month on what more could be done to deliver the 2008 MRSA target.

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    DoH considered fines for MRSA failures


    The Department of Health considered imposing financial penalties on trusts which fail to meet MRSA targets, the leaked memo reveals.

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    C. difficile 'endemic in health service'


    The infection Clostridium difficile is now 'endemic throughout the health service, with virtually all trusts reporting cases', a leaked Department of Health memo has warned.

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    London PCTs fear provider role is being overlooked


    Directors of London primary care trusts lack confidence in the future development of and investment in community health services, according to a survey.

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    News Analysis: Is it new hope for 'No Hope' as cliffhanger reaches final reel?


    Birmingham's Good Hope Hospital trust might at last put its troubles behind it if its acquisition by a neighbouring foundation trust goes ahead. Helen Mooney chronicles the hurdles that have stood in the way and asks if the move is likely to be replicated

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    Government to 'galvanise action' on MRSA


    The Department of Health has vowed to 'galvanise action' to ensure the NHS can meet its 2008 MRSA target.

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    New deputy for World Health Organisation


    Dr Anarfi Asamoa-Baah has been appointed deputy director-general at the World Health Organisation.Dr Asamoa-Baah, has held senior positions at the organisation since 1998, beginning his career at WHO as a senior policy adviser to the director-general.Since then, he has been widely respected for his leadership in HIV, tuberculosis and malaria,communicable ...

  • News

    Poultry workers to be protected against flu


    The Department of Health is offering flu vaccination this winter to those who work in close contact with poultry.The DoH insisted that the move is a precautionary public health measure and does not mean that workers are at any higher risk of getting flu this winter than usual.It added: 'Nor ...

  • Comment

    David Woodhead on lessons from Peru


    'I met a group of local women who were trained in contraception and hygiene; they each had trained six women, who in turn were training others. The process had increased their confidence. And in the basement was a co-operative bakery which provided affordable bread but also made a profit.'