All Public health articles – Page 136

  • HSJ Knowledge

    PEP talk to combat HIV


    The Terrence Higgins Trust has doubled both awareness and take-up among gay men of a treatment that can prevent HIV infection after exposure to the virus.

  • News

    Welsh minister welcomes health TV series


    A six-part TV series will begin on ITV Wales tomorrow aimed at inspiring viewers to make a lifestyle change for a healthier 2007.Fit for a Changewas made in association with Health Challenge Wales.Health minister Dr Brian Gibbons commented: 'The series will encourage all of us to be more active for ...

  • News

    New chief for WHO


    Dr Margaret Chan of China has today taken office as director-general of the World Health Organisation following her election in November.She pledged that her term of office and the effectiveness of the organisation would be judged by the impact they have on two specific populations.'I want my leadership to be ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    No cash, lots of commitment


    Deprivation in leafy Staffordshire provided an interesting challenge for Dr Zafar Iqbal

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    Food labels branded as flawed


    The National Heart Forum has called the system of guideline daily amounts due to be launched tomorrow by 21 major food companies 'seriously flawed'.The NHF believes the scheme will widen dietary health inequalities as it is difficult to understand and misleading to the most vulnerable.Chief executive Paul Lincoln said: 'If ...

  • Comment

    Martin Pearson on warm glows and icy winds


    'Directors and managers of today's organisations need to recognise that they are there not only to create cost-efficient and financially successful health businesses but also to lead services in a way that saves the world from further degradation and climate chaos'

  • News

    'Hooked' stop smoking campaign launched


    A campaign that shows people being seized by fish hooks and dragged to their smoking spots has been launched. The campaign, which includes TV adverts, outdoor advertising, direct mail and a dedicated website, reveals that the average smoker needs over 5,000 cigarettes a

  • News

    Legal age to buy tobacco to rise


    The legal minimum age to buy tobacco is to rise from 16 to 18 on 1 July. The move is intended to make it easier for retailers to spot under-age smokers and reduce the numbers of teenagers who smoke. A campaign to raise awareness of the change will be launched ...

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    More power to scrutiny


    Stuart Shepherd looks at how scrutiny committees are tackling the growing problem of obesity in Britain

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    Mike White on politics


    'Handy Andy Burnham urges respect for NICE's independent experts and insists that complementary medicines (another regular bugbear) must be a matter for 'local determination'.'

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    Michael white on politics


    'NHS managers planning new hospitals or services might start thinking greener than they have done up to now'

  • News

    Michael White on politics


    It is the Hewitt-Blair vision of US-style competing hospitals which causes offence to activists in Wales

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    Michael White on politics


    'It is hard for health professionals to admit it, but the Daily Mail is not always wrong'

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    Michael White on politics


    Tony Blair made an interesting speech in Nottingham the other day, entitled 'Healthy Living: whose responsibility?'. It didn't get a lot of attention in the newspapers that I read, though Number 10 tells me that such discussions generate huge local attention as they affect real people's real lives.

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    New year, new resolutions, and even the media is backing smokers on their quest to kick the habit.

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    Media watch


    'Only The Guardianfelt Channel Five's screening of a Caesarean section on Sunday night warranted much attention'

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    Media watch


    So we're at last going to see an end to junk food advertising aimed at children. And with the announcement came the expected outcry from companies that make their money selling bad food to kids, as well as health professionals who say the new rules will not go far enough.

  • News

    Inequalities rife


    Health inequalities as measured by life expectancy and infant mortality are getting worse, despite high-profile targets, the Department of Health has admitted. In its mid-year performance review to the Commons, the DoH said it was not on course to meet six of the 22 performance indicators set as part of ...

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    Old is not ill


    With more and more people living longer, the health service and its partners must address some communities' low expectations on quality of life, says Claire Laurent

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    Michael White on hospital infections


    HSJ's January scoop about the enduring problems with MRSA and Clostridium difficile yielded parliamentary fruit the other day in the shape of a Tory-initiated Commons debate in which this magazine received generous publicity. Excellent.