All Public health articles – Page 139

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    Minister calls for realism on drink advice-


    GPs and other primary care practitioners should not worry about being 'paragons of virtue' in their own drinking habits before they give advice on sensible drinking to patients, health minister Caroline Flint has said.

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    NHS looks to Sainsbury's for social advertising ideas


    Corporate advertising expenditure can be as important for public health as the NHS's own money, according to public health minister Caroline Flint.

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    Charity calls for urgent action on hepatitis C


    Primary care trusts must invest more and improve co-ordination with local genito-urinary and hospital hepatology clinics if they are to hit government targets, managers have been told.

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    Conference in access farce


    An NHS manager and wheelchair user has told HSJ of his dismay at being unable to access the stage to give a talk on equal rights for disabled people.

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    'Seasonal variation' to GUM access claim


    Access to sexual health services varies widely at different times of the year, according to a survey of access to genito-urinary medicine clinics.

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    Academics call for NHS independence


    The NHS should be given greater freedom from government intervention if it is to achieve stability and success, according to a report co-written by the former head of the Department of Health strategy unit.

  • Comment

    Public health Barometer, February 2007


    The single biggest rise in confidence in the latest Barometer survey of public health directors was for the access target on sexual health services, the overall number up from 6.08 out of 10 to 7.09. At the other end of the scale, optimism on the 2010 childhood obesity target has ...

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    Barometer: Public Health April 2007


    While confidence in sexual health services has continued its rise in the latest Barometer survey of public health directors, the most significant increase for April is public health funding for 2007-08, with the overall number up from 3.85 to 4.85 out of 10.

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    HSJ barometer: public health June 2006


    Directors of public health tended to be less confident about hitting their local targets for 2006-07 than they were for last year, with scores falling against drug treatment and alcohol dependency, although scores for smoking cessation rose slightly.

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    Scottish patients urged to get a flu vaccination


    Scottish doctors have urged patients who are eligible but have not yet received the winter flu vaccination to contact their GP practice.Uptake rates for November are lower than ever before with just over half of Scots aged 65 or over receiving their vaccination.Only about a quarter of patients in the ...

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    Counterfeit condom warning


    The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency has issued a warning that counterfeit condoms have been found in Essex, Birmingham and in Felixstowe docks and placed on the UK market.Counterfeit condoms may not be manufactured to the appropriate British or European standards, and cannot be considered to provide adequate protection ...

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    Five portions a day is not keeping obesity at bay


    An annual study published by the Information Centre for health and social care indicates that more people in England are eating the recommended five portions of fruit and vegetables a day.However one in five adults remain obese, the Health Survey for England 2005 reports.Reported daily consumption of five or more ...

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    Drinks industry a key partner in alcohol problem prevention


    A study by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation has found that the drinks industry agrees with the government's alcohol strategy for England which identified the industry as a key partner in preventing alcohol problems and reducing levels of harm.The study found that the drinks industry acknowledged problems associated with the misuse ...

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    Health Protection Agency reports increase in awareness of hepatitis C


    The Health Protection Agency has issued a report which shows that the number of people newly diagnosed with hepatitis C has increased from 2,116 in 1996 to 7,580 in 2005. It said that new figures also show that testing for hepatitis C has increased by almost 60 per cent in ...

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    DoH puts safety first


    The Department of Health has issued a report on improving support patient safety in the NHS.Safety First - a report for patients, clinicians and healthcare managerssays the National Patient Safety Agency should be 'refocused' on collecting and analysing information through its national reporting and learning system, and that this should ...

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    Bar humbug


    Heart of England foundation trust has produced 50,000 beer mats to remind festive pub and party goers of the dangers of sexually transmitted infections.The mats will be displayed on tables in pubs and bars throughout Birmingham city centre, Sutton Coldfield and Solihull for the next four to six

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    NICE publishes guidelines on obesity in adults and children


    The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence has issued its first ever national guidelines addressing both the prevention and treatment of obesity in adults and children.It says diet changes and exercise, supported by behaviour change, should be the first-line treatment for adults who are overweight or obese, followed by ...

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    High-impact changes for GUM services released


    A guide to 10 High-impact Changes for Genitouninary Medicine 48-hour Accesshas been published. The measures include developing a separate pathway for low-risk patients, reviewing current access arranagments and reorganising clinic opening hours.Read the guide ...

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    Guidance launched on HIV positive asylum seekers


    The National Aids Trust has published guidance on the dispersal of HIV positive asylum seekers for healthcare and voluntary sector workers. The guidance states that asylum seekers should only be dispersed if they are medically stable, adequate notice about the move has been provided and ...

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    Peter Cardy on a new focus on lung cancer


    'While there has been striking progress in some cancers, lung cancer research has languished. Perhaps because of the stigma attached to a disease widely seen as self-inflicted through tobacco use, and the accompanying nihilism, it has had low priority.'