All Public health articles – Page 140

  • News

    United Bristol Healthcare trust: child obesity


    Childhood obesity has doubled in England in the last ten years. The condition affects one in four children aged 11-15 and has been increasing in prevalence since the mid 1980's. Where it used to be the view that overweight children grew out of the condition as they moved into adolescence ...

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    Doncaster PCT: helping benefit claimants back to work


    Barriers to Employment is as ongoing partnership project in Doncaster that supports Incapacity Benefit Claimants (IBCs) to improve their health and well-being and return to work where possible.

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    New immunisation booklet published


    A new version of the government's guidance on vaccines and immunisation known as the Green Book, has been published.The booklet includes new chapters on immunisation for patients with underlying conditions and monitoring of vaccine safety.Read the book here

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    Health inequalities increase


    There has been a small increase in the gap in life expectancy for women between Britain's most affluent and poorest areas, according to an update from the Department of Health.The annual update on the public service agreement targets on health inequalities revealed that the gap in life expectancy for men ...

  • News

    Couch potato Britons surveyed


    Only one-fifth of people in this country regularly take exercise, according to the biggest ever survey of sporting habits.The Active People survey, carried out by Sport England, found that only 21 per cent of people took 30 minutes of exercise three times a week. More than 350,000 people were polled.See ...

  • News

    Pilots show increases in physical activity


    Trials have shown the success of community approaches to combating physical inactivity.

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    Chief medical officer had two hours' input into Commissioning a Patient-led NHS


    The chief medical officer for England has revealed that he was given just two hours to insert a reference to public health into the Department of Health's key policy document, Commissioning a Patient-led NHS.

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    Flint hints at ringfenced public health funds


    Public health minister Caroline Flint has hinted that the government may consider 'ringfencing' funds for specific public health initiatives.

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    Sir Liam: public health was rushed


    The chief medical officer for England has revealed that he was given just two hours to insert a reference to public health into the Department of Health's key policy document, Commissioning a Patient-led NHS.

  • News

    Measures to make people fitter unveiled


    A package of measures to help inactive people become fitter have been unveiled by public health minister Caroline Flint.She said pilots had shown that physical activity interventions are cost-effective and can save the NHS money in the long-term by reducing ill health.An exercise referral scheme resulted in more than 70 ...

  • News

    Physical activity mapping questionnaire launched


    A questionnaire to help GPs determine the level of physical activity carried out by patients has been published.For more information click here

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Forecasting Obesity to 2010


    Report, published in August 2006, prepared for the Department of Health forecasting levels of obesity in England in 2010, if current trends continue. Data on current obesity levels in the adult and child population is also included.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Choosing Health: Making Healthy Choices Easier


    Government White Paper, published in November 2004, setting out the key principles enabling the public to make more informed choices about their health. Chapter 6: A health promoting NHS is likely to be of particular interest.

  • News

    Government launches Christmas fire safety campaign


    Fire safety minister Angela Smith has launched a campaign warning of the increased danger of house fires over the Christmas period and encouraging people to take care with candles, lights and decorations, cigarettes and cooking, especially after a few drinks.The 'Tis the Season to be Careful campaign will be promoted ...

  • News

    Date for smoke-free England announced


    Health secretary Patricia Hewitt has announced that all enclosed public places and workplaces will go smoke-free from 1 July next year.To coincide with this announcement, she unveiled a Smokefree England campaign that will help the country'³ 3.7 million businesses prepare to implement the new legislation. The campaign includes advice about ...

  • News

    Cash boost for HIV health promotion


    The Department of Health will invest an extra £1m in work to tackle the rise in HIV cases among gay men and African communities in the UK.The money will be used by the Terrence Higgins Trust and the African HIV Policy Network on projects to strengthen HIV prevention and reduce ...

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    London bombings long term health issues


    The first findings from the public health follow-up study to those exposed to the July bombings last year have been announced by the Health Protection Agency.The two major long-term health consequences were psychological effects of involvement and hearing problems.'These first findings highlight the key long-term health issues facing those Londoners ...

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    Revised progress report on meningitis published


    Chief medical officer Professor Sir Liam Donaldson has published a revised progress report on meningitis outlining current campaigns to raise awareness of the disease and measures that can be taken to reduce outbreaks of it.Read the report here

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    Paula Grey on building on Smokefree Liverpool


    The many very good health programmes and initiatives in the city over two decades have had little impact in reducing health inequalities

  • News

    Paul Jennings on success in Walsall


    Progress on teenage pregnancy has been substantial, with the fastest reduction in the West Midlands