All Public health articles – Page 141

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Reducing health inequalities for South Asian population


    Knowledge that the risk of dying prematurely from coronary heart disease is 50 per cent higher in the South Asian community - immigrants from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka - than in the indigenous population has been available for more than half a century.

  • News

    Testing a new approach to patient-centred care


    Millions of people in the UK are living with long-term conditions such as asthma or diabetes. However, the extent to which they are able to lead full and active lives depends, in part, on how able they are to manage their own healthcare, for example by their medication doses or ...

  • News

    Healthy food vouchers launched


    Public health minister Caroline Flint has launched a new scheme to ensure low-income mothers and pregnant women can provide their families with milk, fresh fruit and vegetables.Healthy Start replaces the Welfare Food Scheme. It will give qualifying people weekly vouchers that they can exchange at 20,000 participating retailers.Click ...

  • News

    Polonium-210 guidance issued


    The Health Protection Agency and NHS Direct have issued information about the radioactive material polonium-210 in the wake of the death of former Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko.It offers advice to anyone who thinks they may have been exposed to the substance.Read the HPA's guidance ...

  • News

    CHAMPS publish healthier hospitals guide


    Cheshire and Merseyside Partnerships public health team has published a guide to healthier hospitals, collating the evidence on health promotion for secondary care settings.More information on CHAMPS and copies of the guide can be accessed via

  • Comment

    Six of the best on health inequalities


    Despite its presence on the so-called Selbie Six list of NHS priorities for 2006-07, tackling health inequalities is proving a significant challenge for many primary care trusts.

  • News

    Government should stockpile more than one flu vaccine, scientists warn


    A report by the Royal Society and the Academy of Medical Sciences has warned that the government's preparations for an influenza pandemic are not keeping up to date with independent scientific advice.The report's working group said it was concerned that only one antiviral drug is being stockpiled as new evidence ...

  • News

    Healthier lives but ever-widening inequalities: what price progress?


    While London's spearhead primary care trusts look likely to meet their national targets on inequalities, there is a growing differential in specific disease areas and between geographical areas which threatens to undermine long-term advances. Daloni Carlisle reports

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    Government passion cools on £50m safe-sex drive


    The government appears to have abandoned its pledge to spend £50m on safe-sex campaigns.

  • News

    New emergency planning guidance published


    The Department of Health is consulting on new guidance for dealing with major emergencies like terrorist attacks.The best practice guidance is meant to help health services in planning, preparing and responding to all types of emergencies including natural disasters, infectious epidemics and major power cuts.The consultation closes on 31 December.Read ...

  • News

    HIV awareness pack launched for schools


    The National AIDS trust has launched a free resource pack to help teachers integrate HIV education into the national curriculum at key stages three and four. The trust fears the failure of the curriculum to include HIV within relevant subjects means many young people leave school without knowing the facts. ...

  • News

    Telephone marketing raising awareness of COPD


    Cheshire and Merseyside Partnerships for Health (ChaMPs) are using telephone marketing to encourage vulnerable communities to reduce the risk of developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. People living in Vauxhall, Everton and Netherley in Liverpool, Kirby in Knowsley and Runcorn in Cheshire will be encouraged to ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Ruth Hussey on public health


    'What are the new opportunities to improve the public's health and what can the public health team do for you?'

  • Comment

    David Woodhead on love and understanding


    'If love is all around us, why is it seldom discussed? What is the exact role of love in promoting health? And if love were a desired outcome, how would we recognise it?'

  • News

    New safe sex campaign aimed at young people


    A new campaign to raise awareness of the risks of sexually transmitted infections has been launched by the Department of Health.Health minister Caroline Flint said the campaign would be aimed at 18-24 year olds and would also target healthcare professionals.The advertising campaign shows young people with the names of STIs, ...

  • News

    Prue Leith heads school dinners health campaign


    Chef and food writer Prue Leith has been appointed as the new chair of the School Food Trust, which has been given the task of driving up catering and nutritional standards in school meals.The organisation was established by the government following the publicity around celebrity chef Jamie Oliver's revelations that ...

  • News

    World Health Organisation names new director general


    China's Dr Margaret Chan should be confirmed today as the new director-general of the World Health Organisation after being nominated by the organisation's executive board yesterday. Dr Chan was director of public health in Hong Kong for nine years - tackling the world's first human ...

  • News

    Liam Hughes on joint working


    Solid local partnerships are essential for PCTs to achieve their objectives for local communities

  • Comment

    Professor David J Hunter and Jeffrie Strang on public health and organisational reform


    The justification for the current reorganisation of strategic health authorities and primary care trusts is to strengthen the commissioning function of PCTs and to save £250m in management costs. But are these good enough reasons and will the mergers create a period of stasis? ...

  • News

    Scottish smoking ban 'could wipe out lung cancer'


    In his first annual report Dr Harry Burns, chief medical officer for Scotland, says that the ban on smoking which was introduced in March has already reduced passive smoking levels and is encouraging more people to quit. He said that the ban, coupled with a decline in rates of smoking-related ...