All Public health articles – Page 142

  • News

    PCTs told to implement radical changes to LAAs


    Primary care trusts will be expected to develop more flexible agreements with councils under proposals outlined in a white paper for local government reform.

  • News

    More people screened for chlamydia in the community


    Chlamydia screening levels have increased by more than a third in the past year, with nearly 100,000 young people being tested for the sexually transmitted infection through the National Chlamydia Screening Programme, according to public health minister Caroline Flint.Ms Flint commented: 'The fact that in the past year record ...

  • News

    Public health specialists must tackle working age health issues


    Health minister Lord Hunt has warned of the danger that being out of work could shorten life expectancy and urged public health professionals to ensure that the health benefits of work are recognised.Speaking at a King's Fund event the minister said: 'I urge public health specialists to tackle working age ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Social marketing in practice


    The announcement last month by health minister Caroline Flint of the launch of a social marketing strategy for obesity next year highlights the importance of social marketing in delivering results that more traditional approaches fail to achieve.

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    Peter Cardy on rewriting the cancer plan


    As cancer care shifts out of hospital, more cancer patients risk poverty as the associated costs rise. Now is the time to tackle the financial distress of the disease, argues Peter Cardy

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    Tobacco control: Fresh air for the North East


    There are encouraging reports from an independent tobacco control agency set up in an area with the highest adult smoking prevalence in the country

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    Hewitt calls for alcopops tax hike


    Health secretary Patricia Hewitt has written to chancellor Gordon Brown asking for an increase in taxes on alcopops and other drinks favoured by teenagers to curb binge drinking.Earlier this month Ms Hewitt launched the 'Know Your Limits' campaign against excessive drinking in the under-25 age group. In June, the Information ...

  • News

    DoH publishes new smoking cessation figures


    The Department of Health has published the latest quarterly statistics on access to smoking cessation services. It shows Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire strategic health authority had the highest proportion of successful quitters (63 per cent) while Cheshire and Merseyside SHA reported the lowest (41 per cent). ...

  • News

    Mayor calls for action on Muslim health in London


    London mayor Ken Livingstone has called on NHS organisations to act on the recommendations of the first ever large-scale report on the lives of Muslims in the capital One in twelve Londoners is Muslim and the report finds that their health is disproportionately affected by ...

  • News

    Rise in NHS sight tests


    Two out of three sight tests are paid for by the NHS, compared to a decade ago when almost half of all sight tests were carried out privately. The total number of sight tests has increased by 5 per cent since 2003-04 with a small ...

  • News

    World Health Organisation makes flu vaccine warning


    Immediate and sustained action and funding is needed if the world is to be prepared for an influenza pandemic, the World Health Organisation has said. The organisation said stocks of influenza vaccines were several billion doses short and could lead to a public health crisis ...

  • News

    More long-term contraceptives being used


    One in five women are using long acting reversible contraception such as implants and the contraceptive jab, according to research by The Information Centre for health and social care. There has been a massive increase in the numbers of women using the intrauterine system and ...

  • News

    New head of policy at ASH


    Asthma UK policy and campaigns director Martin Dockrell has been appointed as the new head of policy at pressure group Action on Smoking and Health. Mr Dockrell was an AIDS activist in the 1980s and 1990s. For the last five years he has worked closely ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    The Health of Minority Ethnic Groups


    Document from the Office of National Statistics, based on the 2004 Health Survey for England, and published in April 2006. It examines a range of health indicators among ethnic minority populations, including blood pressure, exercise levels, smoking and alcohol use, and obesity. Among the findings: diabetes was almost four times ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Statistics on Alcohol: England, 2006


    Document from the National Office of Statistics, published in July 2006, on alcohol use and misuse, examining drinking among school pupils, adults, and a survey of drinking-related ill-health, and country-wide economic costs. Among the report?s findings: 74 per cent of men and 59 per cent of women reported drinking an ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS Immunisation Statistics, England: 2004-05


    Office of National Statistics report, published in September 2005, on vaccines uptake among children: MMR vaccine uptake rose slightly year-on-year, uptake of vaccines for dipththeria, tetanus, etc remained stable at 93 per cent.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Gender-specific services: equal, but not the same


    From next April, trusts will have a legal duty to demonstrate gender equity across all areas of service provision. But as the deadline approaches, the national picture is looking decidedly patchy. Gabriel Fleming looks at how it will work

  • News

    DoH pledges support teams


    The Department of Health is to create a national support team to help primary care trusts and local authorities tackle public health.

  • Comment

    Outspoken Wanless returns to judge a dream deferred


    It comes as no surprise that Sir Derek Wanless believes that the promise laid out in his seminal 2002 report is becoming a dream deferred.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    News analysis: Five years and billions of pounds later, what has changed since Wanless?


    Sir Derek Wanless's 2002 report prompted the chancellor to pump billions into the health service - but called for reform too. Now he is back to pack another punch by examining how wisely the money was spent and set out lessons for the future. Daniel Martin reports