All Public health articles – Page 17
Trusts told to test staff who are in quarantine
Acute trusts have been told to set aside 15 per cent of their daily coronavirus tests for NHS key workers who are quarantining at home with others.
Stevens: NHS will introduce staff testing for coronavirus next week
Coronavirus testing for NHS frontline staff will be rolled out from this weekend and expanded next week, the government and Sir Simon Stevens announced.
Rapid review of PPE guidance ordered by the centre
The government’s chief scientific and medical advisers have ordered a “rapid” independent review of guidance for personal protective equipment, amid confusion and concern about what healthcare workers need for the coronavirus outbreak.
Expert Briefing
North by North West: Calm before the storm
Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England. Contact me in confidence here.
Duncan Selbie isolates with coronavirus symptoms
Public Health England’s chief executive is self-isolating with symptoms of coronavirus.
Dentists told to stop routine treatment during covid-19 crisis
Dental practices have been told to suspend all routine treatment in a bid to reduce the spread of covid-19.
Updated: Officials’ confusion over rapid home testing kits
Members of the public may soon be able to order covid-19 home testing kits, but health officials said they are not yet sure that they work.
Government buys 3.5m tests and promises staff checks ‘online soon’
The government has bought 3.5 million coronavirus antibody tests — with more widespread testing of NHS workers coming “online soon”, the health secretary has said.
The Bedpan: This crisis will only become real to most once someone they know dies
This week: Ben Page, chief executive of pollsters Ipsos Mori
NHS told to ‘up its game’ in helping social care respond to crisis
Significant tensions are emerging between hospitals and care homes around patients who are ready to be discharged but have not been tested for coronavirus and also around personal protective equipment.
HSJ Local
London teaching trust says non-clinical staff must go to work as normal
One of the largest teaching trusts in England has told its non-clinical staff to go into work as normal, as it continues to plan its response to the coronavirus outbreak.
NHS developing coronavirus contact tracking app
NHSX is working on a contact tracking app to trace the spread of coronavirus through the population.
Making the case for place
Paul Burstow delineates why a place-based approach should be adopted to meet the health challenges facing the NHS and measures to make it a success
Stevens: Some hospitals may only treat coronavirus patients
Some NHS hospitals may be used to exclusively treat coronavirus patients in the coming months as system leaders prepare a profound reconfiguration of NHS services to cope with the covid-19 outbreak.
Junior doctors’ rotations paused amid covid-19 pandemic
Junior doctors’ rotations have been put on hold as the NHS continues to prepare for combating the coronavirus pandemic.
‘What have Nobel Prize winners ever done for us?’
The idea of collective management of finite resources and adopting a culture of stewardship can lead to sustainable governance. Explain Dr Tim Wilson, Nick Relph and Dr Joe McManners.
NHS seeks ‘seven-fold’ surge in intensive care capacity
Hospitals should be planning for a massive increase in intensive care capacity to prepare for coronavirus, according to the person leading the NHS’ covid-19 response.
NHS labs to test 8,000 more coronavirus cases a day
NHS laboratories must increase the number of samples they test for covid-19 from around 1,500 to 10,000 a day as the virus continues to spread, system leaders have announced.
Expert Briefing
Dealing with decline
Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England, with a particular focus on the devolution project in Greater Manchester. Contact me in confidence here.