All Public health articles – Page 94

  • News

    TB battle still not won


    The number of cases of tuberculosis in the UK is “still too high”, the Health Protection Agency warns today.

  • News

    Cancer patient needs not being met


    Four out of five nurses think the needs of people living with or after having cancer are not being met, according to a survey by charity Macmillan Cancer Support and HSJ sister magazine Nursing Times.

  • Quality of care in the NHS and social services for people with learning disabilities is "at best patchy and at worst an indictment of our society"

    'Distressing failures' in NHS care for people with learning disabilities


    A report into the deaths of six people with learning disabilities has uncovered “significant and distressing” failures in services across health and social care.

  • 090402 chlamydia game

    Sex game


    The crazy ideas primary care trusts come up with to cut sexually transmitted infections among teenagers seemingly know no limits

  • Michael White

    Michael White on the effect of unemployment on health


    A flurry of excitement hit the Commons press gallery when it was rumoured health minister Ben Bradshaw had said unemployment would be good for British men.

  • nurse with patient

    Patient outcomes linked to nursing staff levels


    The more nurses that a trust employs per bed the fewer of its patients are likely to die or to experience long hospital stays.

  • News

    NHS told to help staff get healthier


    NHS organisations have been told to follow private companies’ example to help their staff get fitter - and save the health service an estimated £1bn a year.

  • News

    London unveils diabetes strategy


    Healthcare for London has unveiled a three year strategy to transform diabetes care in the capital.

  • News

    NHS failing in duty to help tackle knife crime


    Less than one in five hospital trusts are sharing information with the police on stabbings, the Liberal Democrats have claimed.

  • video Phil Hope sm
    HSJ Knowledge

    Phil Hope on the future of social care


    Phil Hope, the care services minister, explains his plans to widen the social care agenda to include public mental health

  • News

    HIV diagnoses drop, but rates still high in gay men


    New HIV diagnoses in the UK fell slightly last year, but diagnosis rates among gay men were at their second highest level since recording began.

  • Generic  obesity  teen2
    HSJ Knowledge

    What can turn the tide of the obesity epidemic?


    By mid-century the cost to the NHS of weight related health problems could double to more than £8bn and a quarter of UK children may be obese. Emma Dent asks what is being done about a huge challenge

  • Nigel Edwards

    Nigel Edwards on winter pressures in the NHS


    The NHS has learned much from the demand surges of other winters. But while effective measures are in place, costs are significant and challenges for managers still persist

  • News

    Perks could be used to influence patients' choice of hospital


    Hospitals should offer patients inducements to receive treatment during times when wards are less busy, new guidance on marketing in the NHS has suggested.

  • News

    Call for more research as cancer survival rates rise


    The NHS cancer plan has improved survival rates in England but wide regional variations remain.

  • Michael White

    Michael White on NHS bad news


    Oh dear, it is barely a week since I wrote elsewhere that everyone knows “the NHS is much better” nowadays. Since then there has been a steady trickle of bad news, from Mid Staffs trust and from Birmingham children’s hospital, and poor cancer mortality outcomes.

  • Alan Johnson snacks

    Snack attack


    Poor Alan Johnson. No doubt obliged to rise at dawn – all the better for spending more time with his red boxes – he probably hardly gets the chance to grab a cup of coffee in the morning.And then when he does have a chance to tuck into something tasty ...

  • Generic  alcohol  cheap
    HSJ Knowledge

    The north-south alcohol divide


    The annual cost of alcohol harm to the NHS is nearly £3bn - and rising. Around 6 per cent of all hospital admissions in 2006-07 were related to alcohol and this figure is increasing by 80,000 every year, according to the government alcohol strategy Safe, Sensible, Social.

  • Generic  teen pregnancy
    HSJ Knowledge

    Teenage pregnancy: mothers tide


    A 10 year strategy has seen a reversal of the once surging rate of teenage pregnancy in many areas - but in others the numbers of teens choosing to have a baby remain alarming

  • News

    Cash for healthy lifestyles


    Economic incentives such as paying people not to smoke should be incorporated into public health strategy, a government policy group has said.