All Public health articles – Page 95
HSJ Knowledge
What can turn the tide of the obesity epidemic?
By mid-century the cost to the NHS of weight related health problems could double to more than £8bn and a quarter of UK children may be obese. Emma Dent asks what is being done about a huge challenge
Nigel Edwards on winter pressures in the NHS
The NHS has learned much from the demand surges of other winters. But while effective measures are in place, costs are significant and challenges for managers still persist
Perks could be used to influence patients' choice of hospital
Hospitals should offer patients inducements to receive treatment during times when wards are less busy, new guidance on marketing in the NHS has suggested.
Call for more research as cancer survival rates rise
The NHS cancer plan has improved survival rates in England but wide regional variations remain.
Michael White on NHS bad news
Oh dear, it is barely a week since I wrote elsewhere that everyone knows “the NHS is much better” nowadays. Since then there has been a steady trickle of bad news, from Mid Staffs trust and from Birmingham children’s hospital, and poor cancer mortality outcomes.
Snack attack
Poor Alan Johnson. No doubt obliged to rise at dawn – all the better for spending more time with his red boxes – he probably hardly gets the chance to grab a cup of coffee in the morning.And then when he does have a chance to tuck into something tasty ...
HSJ Knowledge
The north-south alcohol divide
The annual cost of alcohol harm to the NHS is nearly £3bn - and rising. Around 6 per cent of all hospital admissions in 2006-07 were related to alcohol and this figure is increasing by 80,000 every year, according to the government alcohol strategy Safe, Sensible, Social.
HSJ Knowledge
Teenage pregnancy: mothers tide
A 10 year strategy has seen a reversal of the once surging rate of teenage pregnancy in many areas - but in others the numbers of teens choosing to have a baby remain alarming
Cash for healthy lifestyles
Economic incentives such as paying people not to smoke should be incorporated into public health strategy, a government policy group has said.
Media Watch: Sir Liam's proposals to cut binge drinking
One can’t help but feel sorry for Sir Liam Donaldson. Britain’s “top doctor”, in theory the living, breathing exemplar of the Department of Health’s desire to have more clinical leaders, has been royally hung out to dry.
Managers must fight to win back the trust of the public
As well as damaging the reputation of the NHS as a whole, the scandal of Mid Staffordshire foundation trust’s emergency services has piled more opprobrium on the reputation of NHS managers.
Lift Awards 2009 winners announced
Renova Developments has won the award for Lift Area of the Year in this year’s Lift Awards.
HSJ Knowledge
Alcohol screening at pharmacies boosts public health
Local pharmacy staff on the Wirral tactfully help people think about how much alcohol they drink, reports Lynne Greenwood
Government accused of 'wanton experimentation on the public'
MPs have accused the government of “wanton large scale experimentation on the public” through poorly evidenced health inequalities policies.
Raising alcohol prices could save NHS £1bn a year
Chief medical officer Sir Liam Donaldson has proposed enforcing a minimum price of 50 pence per unit of alcohol in a bid to reduce the effects of drinking on health and society.
Angela Greatley on focusing on mental health
It has become an accepted fact among those of us who work in mental health that there is no health without mental health. But does the NHS think this way?Mental ill health is not just a hugely significant and costly burden on those who live with it. It is also ...
Media Watch: NHS recession depression
Some stories get written because they are about a money, others because they involve gore or sex. Then there are the stories that simply give journalists the opportunity to use phrases that offend, alliterate or rhyme.
Donaldson's alcohol proposal deserves attention, say economists
The chief medical officer’s proposals for a minimum price of 50p per unit of alcohol “merit some serious consideration,” the Institute for Fiscal Studies says.
Scotland to outlaw sale of alcohol to under 21s
The Scottish government today published its alcohol action strategy, which could see some areas ban the sale of alcohol to under 21s.
NHS South Central votes for water fluoridation
The board of South Central strategic health authority has decided to add fluoride to the water supply in Southampton.Members of the board made the unanimous decision at a public meeting yesterday, following a consultation on the proposal.