All QIPP articles – Page 7
HSJ Knowledge
Trusts lose ground in online marketing race
Providers are missing opportunities to promote themselves
HSJ Knowledge
Payment by results can enhance mental health services
The tariff system can help drive psychiatry forward
HSJ Knowledge
Beaming help into homes with Skype
Tapping into the free technology to support patients
Mandate requires board to guarantee CCG autonomy
Clinical commissioning groups have received a strengthened commitment from ministers to ensure their autonomy, and new powers to rate the performance of the NHS Commissioning Board.The board will be held to account on whether it achieves “the best health outcomes for patients by strengthening the local autonomy of CCGs”. The ...
HSJ Knowledge
Kaiser Permanente and the NHS have much in common
Hal Wolf of the Permanente Foundation compares the two
HSJ Knowledge
Turning concerns into positive outcomes
Seventeen trusts are striving to to raise care standards
HSJ Knowledge
Striking the balance between efficiency and quality of care
Improving services and patient outcomes can reduce costs
HSJ Knowledge
Why the Christie recommends European accreditation
Seeking accreditation was the start of a learning curve
HSJ Knowledge
How Rotherham saved £3m with strategic sourcing
How strategic sourcing is helping to shrink expenditure
HSJ Knowledge
Embracing an era of technology
Overcoming the barriers to new technology is a cultural, people-based challenge
HSJ Knowledge
Mission shows what's possible
James Illman was given a unique insight into British healthcare technology after joining a government-backed trade mission to Boston, Massachusetts.
HSJ Knowledge
Hitting new heights
A year on from its introduction, the chief resident programme at Cambridge University Hospitals is being expanded, write Jessie Welbourne and colleagues.
Exclusive: Nearly £3bn returned to Treasury
The Department of Health has returned nearly £3bn of its funding to the Treasury over the past two years, despite facing its tightest financial settlement for five decades.A Treasury spokesman this week confirmed to HSJ the department had handed back around £1bn of the funding it was allocated for health ...
HSJ Knowledge
People Powered Health
People Powered Health has the potential to greatly improve our healthcare service
HSJ Knowledge
Trusts share in transformation
Swapping good practice is helping seven trusts to deliver cost and quality efficiency savings
HSJ Knowledge
An injection of sense
Proposals to change the EU clinical trials directive could benefit NHS involvement in clinical research
Your Humble Servant: heroic failure
“We both know that the only way Monitor will pass us is if we treat a lot fewer patients, with even fewer staff and minimal kit”
HSJ Knowledge
Easing winter pressures
Consultant-delivered multidisciplinary team working is providing a host of positive outcomes