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Trust reviewing 800 cases over child surgery failures
A large teaching trust has launched reviews of surgery on nearly 800 patients operated on by a children’s orthopaedic surgeon – and whether concerns raised 10 years ago could have prevented harm.
Expert Briefing
London Eye: Less money for London
Essential insight into England’s biggest health economy, by HSJ bureau chief Ben Clover.
Staffing vital to high hear and treat rates, say trusts
Some 30,000 emergency ambulance trips could be avoided every month if trusts provided more advice over the phone, according to NHS England figures.
Mapped: RTT waiting times
An interactive map of local NHS waits around England in January 2025, showing the pressures, with links to all the details by organisation and specialty.
Poor support ‘driving rise in deaths after discharge’
The rate of patients dying by suicide shortly after discharge from mental health units has increased in recent years, with researchers calling for better post-discharge support.
Paying consultants more ‘helped trust cut waiting lists by nearly 20%’
A single trust accounted for nearly a fifth of the reduction in the national waiting list last year – and a director says the improvement was in part driven by paying staff higher overtime rates.
‘Profound’ improvement takes trust out of ‘recovery’
An ambulance trust is set to be promoted from the bottom tier of NHS England’s performance regime after nearly three years.
Patients told to soil themselves in understaffed A&E
The Care Quality Commission has reported on an emergency department with 55-hour A&E corridor waits, and some frail patients being told to soil themselves because there was no one to take them to the toilet, while another had to urinate into a bottle without privacy curtains.
New NHSE chair seeks ‘clear accountability and responsibility’
The author of a major report into quality and governance in the NHS has stressed the responsibility of local boards – and hinted at a rebalancing from regulators to providers.
Ex-chief inspector set to chair CQC
Former chief inspector of hospitals Sir Mike Richards is the preferred candidate to chair the Care Quality Commission, the government has announced.
High newborn death rates revealed at large trust
A trust whose maternity care is under scrutiny had neonatal mortality rates nearly twice the average of similiar units in 2023, new audit figures reveal.
CQC could face £500,000 bill after provider wins High Court challenge
The Care Quality Commission has been criticised by the High Court for failing to follow its own conflict of interest policy, after a legal challenge by a mental health provider.
Top trusts failed mortuary security checks
Some of England’s most prestigious trusts have been caught with inadequate security for their mortuaries – despite recent high-profile breaches, HSJ can reveal.
NHSE steps up intervention over cancer delays
Two additional trusts have been placed in NHS England’s highest level of oversight for their performance on cancer and diagnostics.
Trust leadership has ‘gone rogue’, claims MP
An MP has called for the chair of Bradford Teaching Hospitals Foundation Trust to resign.
Elective recovery remains stalled
The waiting list needs to be shrinking about 10 times faster
Mapped: RTT waiting times
An interactive map of local NHS waits around England in December 2024, showing the pressures, with links to all the details by organisation and specialty.
Ambulance services underprepared for ‘mass casualty incidents’
Ambulance services would still struggle to respond effectively to a mass-casualty event like the Manchester Arena bombing, HSJ has learned, as nearly all have been denied the funding needed to bolster preparedness.
Expert Briefing
London Eye: The (surprising) names linked to England’s top hospital job
Essential insight into England’s biggest health economy, by HSJ bureau chief Ben Clover.