All Quality and performance articles – Page 14
He did it! How Steve Barclay pulled off Health Week
The health secretary bravely battled cancer targets during a triumphant week-long celebration of everything that’s great about Westminster, writes Julian Patterson
Staff ‘let down by leaders’ as ‘chaotic’ service gets double downgrade
A teaching trust has had its maternity services downgraded to ‘inadequate’ after inspectors found stillbirths and massive haemorrhages were not being treated as ‘serious incidents’.
Mapped: RTT waiting times
An interactive map of local NHS waits around England in June 2023, showing the pressures, with links to all the details by organisation and specialty.
NHSE rows with royal college over ‘unhelpful’ virtual ward targets
NHS England’s virtual wards target is leading to some lower risk patients being ‘over-monitored’ in pursuit of a headline ambition ahead of winter, a leading royal college has told HSJ.
Nobody expects the system inspector
If you admire the Care Quality Commission for its work with NHS provider organisations, prepare to be blown away by its plans for integrated care systems. By CQC interloper Julian Patterson
‘Local innovation’ can improve A&E without central funding, says NHSE
An NHS England director has said innovations in urgent and emergency care should be possible without extra central funding, as she set out plans to manage the coming winter.
Your data analysts should be professionals
As part of their continued focus on supporting professional registration, Rony Arafin, CEO of the Association of Professional Healthcare Analysts, and Andrew Griffiths, CEO of the Federation for Informatics Professionals, come together in a joint article to discuss professionalisation and why it matters
Modernisation Agency chief returns to lead improvement drive
The director of the Modernisation Agency in the early 2000s is returning to lead a new national service improvement drive, NHS England has announced, while asking systems and providers to “baseline” their improvement needs and capability.
The NHS needs a dedicated agency to drive the use of new technology
A serious strategy to innovate is needed to save the health service. Barbara Harpham gives an insight on how this can be achieved
‘Culture battle’ over NHS England’s emergency recovery plans
Senior sources have described a ”culture battle” in NHS England’s approach to urgent care recovery after systems were told to carry out ”maturity” self-assessments and appoint “champions” to drive improvements.
Mapped: RTT waiting times
An interactive map of local NHS waits around England in May 2023, showing the pressures, with links to all the details by organisation and specialty.
Waiting list hits new record as 65 week target slips away
For most patients, waiting times are not coming down
National rollout for triage scheme which cut ambulance journeys
A scheme in which ‘category 2’ 999 calls are validated by clinicians will be extended nationally after reducing journeys by 4 per cent in a pilot, with no adverse incidents, NHS England has told HSJ.
Expert Briefing
The Integrator: Will this winter be better or worse?
Insider tales and must-read analysis on how integration is reshaping health and care systems, NHS providers, primary care, and commissioning. This week by deputy editor Dave West.
NHS England seeks CEO and chair for ‘national improvement board’
NHS England has begun recruiting for leadership roles – including a chief executive – for its recently announced national improvement board.
Revealed: the stubborn regional variation in early cancer detection
The gap between the areas with the best and worst records on the early detection of cancer has remained almost unchanged over the past five years, new data indicates.
Revealed: The specialties with rocketing litigation costs
Litigation costs for specialties including intensive care, oncology and emergency medicine have rocketed by up to five times as much as they were before the pandemic, internal data obtained by HSJ reveals.
Trust leadership accused of lack of ‘oversight’ hits out at CQC ‘algorithm’
The largest trust in the East of England has received a Care Quality Commission warning notice about the medical care provided by its three hospitals.
Elective waiting list breaks new record
Of 7.4 million waiting, 6.3 million do not have a diagnosis and decision, and 26,800 of those may turn out to have cancer
ICSs most ‘off target’ on recovery named by NHS England
Seven integrated care systems and one ambulance trust have been placed in ‘intensive support’ because of their performance against urgent and emergency care metrics.