All Quality and performance articles – Page 70

  • United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust
    HSJ Local

    Second Keogh review trust goes back in special measures


    One of the original Keogh review special measures trusts, United Lincolnshire, rated inadequate Concerns raised about quality, safety, leadership and governance Trust waiting for health secretary’s decision on plans for A&E reconfiguration United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust has become the second of the original 11 trusts placed in special ...

  • Compton chine isle of wight
    HSJ Local

    Trust chief executive stands down ahead of CQC report


    Chief executive of Isle of Wight Trust steps down ahead of CQC report Improvement director has been appointed Trust had struggled over the winter The chief executive of England’s only fully integrated hospital, mental health, community services and ambulance provider has stepped down ahead of the publication of ...

  • map of london

    Hurley Group practice put in special measures


    High profile GP partnership has practice rated inadequate by the CQC but the group is appealing the decision Hurley Group is led by NHS England primary care director Arvind Madan, who is also listed as partner for the group All Saints Practice in East London criticised for patient access ...

  • Heart monitor
    HSJ Local

    Keogh review trust back in special measures


    Northern Lincolnshire and Goole put back in special measures by NHS Improvement Trust was one of the first placed into the regime following the 2013 Keogh review but was removed in 2014 Care Quality Commission rates the trust inadequate in most recent report A struggling hospital trust which ...

  • clipboard_meeting_notes_writing
    HSJ Local

    Competition row treatment centre rated requires improvement


    North East London Treatment Centre rated “requires improvement” Centre is at heart of hard-fought procurement process between local NHS trust and Care UK An elective treatment centre at the heart of a competition dispute has been rated requires improvement by inspectors.

  • child in hospital
    HSJ Local

    Children's lives put at risk at Stafford hospital, royal college warns


    Royal college review backs closure of children’s emergency centre Earlier review highlighted “potentially life threatening” management of cases Concerns follow a review in 2006 highlighting similar fears for safety Children’s lives were put at risk because of unsafe emergency services at Stafford Hospital, a review by the Royal ...

  • Elderly hands walking frame

    Officials plan new metric to measure patient flow


    A new set of metrics is being developed to assess patient flow across the NHS and social care system, Local Government Chronicle reports.

  • Simon stevens at committee 18 october

    Stevens: NHS has not escaped 'reinforcing cycle' of increased demand and cost


    NHS England chief executive says NHS can be proud of achievements Simon Stevens says delivery plan is “practical discussion” for year ahead There are “unchallengeable facts” about NHS achievements The NHS is trapped in a “reinforcing cycle” of increased demand leading to higher costs, NHS England chief executive ...

  • 3002939 surgery equipment surgeon theatre

    Elective waits will not recover until 2019, says Stevens


    NHS England accepts growing demand will make it harder to meet 18 week RTT targets Simon Stevens says the goal is still to hit the 92pc target but the NHS must be realistic NHS England accused of “jettisoning” elective surgery waiting times targets NHS England has acknowledged that ...

  • hospital ward

    STPs told to slow emergency admissions in 2017-18


    STPs to be monitored on ability to contain A&E admission growth Metric will become key measure of success for new care models Vanguards to lose funding if emergency activity rises faster than target Bed days will also become an important measure for judging health systems Health systems will ...

  • Stephen Eames
    HSJ Local

    Final Keogh review trust removed from special measures


    North Cumbria University Hospitals Trust to come out of the special measures The trust was one of 11 placed in the regime following Sir Bruce Keogh’s 2013 review into organisations with high mortality rates CQC rates the trust requires improvement The final trust from the first wave of ...

  • surgery
    HSJ Local

    Teaching trust puts major restrictions on operations for second time in six weeks


    Teaching trust forced to restrict operations for second time in six weeks University Hospitals Leicester puts seven day restriction on elective work The move follows a 12 day restriction covering February half-term One of the NHS’s largest trusts has been forced to restrict elective activity for the second ...

  • Nythan Smith
    HSJ Knowledge

    Invest in compliance with health and safety law


    The impact of the health and safety offences sentencing guidelines on the health and social care sector

  • Vaccination
    HSJ Local

    Midlands GP super partnership rated outstanding


    A Midlands super partnership has been rated outstanding by the Care Quality Commission today.

  • Hospital sign

    Exclusive: Regulators to introduce 'A&E special measures' regime


    Trusts performing poorly against four hour target face new tough regulatory measures Trusts could be put in new “A&E special measures” if they do not improve by June Worst performing trusts face new weekly performance meetings with regulators Trusts performing poorly against the four hour target could be ...

  • emergency ambulance

    Private providers warned over 'fundamental' safety concerns


    CQC warns safety concerns during inspection of independent ambulance providers may “not be isolated findings” Over three-quarters of providers inspected so far have faced CQC enforcement action Concerns include drivers not holding the correct licence, failure to carry out DBS checks, unclean vehicles and not following “fundamental safety processes” ...

  • NHS staff and services

    Revealed: Staff at inadequate trusts worst for reporting patient harm


    CQC analysis of 2016 NHS staff survey against its ratings show staff at inadequate trusts most likely to witness harm but least like to report it Staff at inadequate trusts most likely to experience bullying and harassment from staff and public Data suggests open reporting culture is part of ...

  • cacner x ray

    Trusts 'will not be fined for failing waiting list and cancer targets'


    NHS England and NHS Improvement have effectively dropped routine financial penalties for trusts that fail to meet elective and cancer waiting times targets, HSJ has been told.

  • 02 b69440

    Is the NHS suffocating in its own froth?


    For greater operational efficiency we must learn to focus less on pointless distractions and more on bite-sized, everyday win-wins, writes Paula Goode

  • Hospital_bed

    NHS Improvement sets out trust level breakdown for unblocking beds


    System leaders set out plans to free up 2,000-3,000 beds using social care cash boost NHS Improvement calculated an “estimate of the number of beds by provider that could be freed up” Funding boost may “not have the intended impact” if trusts do not work with councils See every ...