All Quality and performance articles – Page 86

  • GP

    Primary care funding: the risers and fallers


    Four CCG areas will see primary care fund increase by more than 10 per cent Islington to get the largest increase next year Forty areas will see real terms cuts to their primary care budgets in 2017-18 Explore the data Four clinical commissioning group areas will see a ...

  • magnifying glass

    Transparency can bring about the desired changes in the NHS


    If the NHS leadership really wants to follow through on its message for the future, they need to embrace transparency. Ric Whalley writes

  • Sharmila chowdhury

    An open letter to Jeremy Hunt from a whistleblower


    Sharmila Chowdhury calls on the health secretary to resolve the injustices faced by so many

  • 3002153 busy hospital

    Trusts told to shift elective capacity to A&E


    Hospitals trusts told to increase beds for A&E surge by 20 per cent Commissioners told to delay fines for cancelled electives until next financial year Senior management told “safety profile of the organisation” must be given ”’top of the office’ attention” Commissioners have been asked not to financially ...

  • Evidence
    HSJ Knowledge

    Reports must ensure the facts speak for themselves


    Trusts and watchdogs should develop the habits of good investigators

  • Katrina Percy

    Trust’s fate unclear as regulators accept Southern Health review


    Jim Mackey accepts findings of final draft of Mazars report into failings at Southern Health Details of any regulatory action against the trust expected in coming days Trust chief says “all providers and commissioners of care can learn from this report” NHS Improvement chief executive designate Jim Mackey ...

  • Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust

    Southern Health leadership condemned in report on patient deaths


    Southern Health investigates “too few” deaths in learning disability and older people’s mental health services, report says Board did not take action on the poor quality of investigations, despite repeated warnings from coroners Deaths had “little prominence” at board level Low level of investigations into deaths compared to similar ...

  • Richmond House

    NHS mandate: Government demands progress in 'transformation areas'


    The government has set out its priorities for the NHS during this parliament, including designating areas of the country as “transformation areas”. NHS England will have to begin publishing new clinical commissioning group assessment ratings.

  • Michael West

    An all-inclusive NHS is achievable


    Discrimination against minorities is prevalent in the NHS, but a climate of inclusion, mutual respect and supportiveness will ensure that the benefits of diversity are gained

  • Jeremy Hunt

    New ratings will not lead to better commissioning, say CCG leaders


    The majority of clinical commissioning group leaders do not believe proposed ratings for CCGs will lead to better commissioning and standards of services, the latest HSJ CCG Barometer has found.

  • Financial spreadsheets
    HSJ Local

    First CCG is placed in special measures


    Shropshire CCG placed in special measures Group will have to agree new 2015-16 forecast financial outturn No legal directions placed on CCG PERFORMANCE: Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group has become the first CCG placed in special measures by NHS England.

  • UK map
    HSJ Local

    18 week waits, October 2015: explore the maps


    NHS waiting lists around England, updated for October 2015

  • Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust

    NHS has problem hearing families' voices, says Stevens


    Reforming care for people with learning disabilities is “unfinished business”, says Stevens NHS at a “cultural turning point” in the way it deals with families when “things go wrong” NHS England chief defends commissioning function over Southern Health The NHS is at a “cultural turning point” at which ...

  • Surgery tools
    HSJ Local

    RCS review raises concerns over Bolton surgical errors


    RCS review says surgical checklists not consistently followed by some senior staff Bolton FT must reassure staff that “quality is more important than numbers” Trust says action has been taken and checklist compliance is now “excellent” PERFORMANCE: An independent review has raised concerns that approved surgical checklists were ...

  • Shaun Lintern

    Is Southern Health a one-off? Ministers have no way of knowing


    The leaked Southern Health review exposed a gap of knowledge about quality of care. Shaun Lintern asks whether the problem is limited to only one trust

  • Mental health
    HSJ Local

    Private mental health hospital put in special measures


    Harriet Tubman House is first private mental health hospital to go into special measures CQC found patients who were not detained under the Mental Health Act were not allowed to leave the facility when they wanted Staff had not received training on restraint PERFORMANCE: A private mental health ...

  • Operating theatre light

    England breaches 18 week target


    If you take non-reporting trusts into account, it looks like the English NHS breached 18 weeks in October – for the first time since the target was originally achieved in January 2012

  • Juliet Bouverie

    Urgent care services are overstretched – we need to fund the cancer strategy now


    Rising demand for support after treatment must be met with funding

  • CT Brain scan

    Patient group fears national clinical director cut


    Neurological Alliance warns NHS England against “removal or demotion” of national clinical director for adult neurology Charity also urges it to protect intelligence network and strategic clinical networks for neurology HSJ revealed last month that NHS England is considering cuts to 23 director roles If NHS England cuts ...

  • Nurse treating patient

    Modest improvement in patient experience, nine year analysis finds


    Nine years of data from NHS inpatient survey analysed by King’s Fund Data shows slight improvement in patient experience overall Think tank urges trusts to use data to plan longer term improvements There has been an improvement in patient experience within the NHS during the last nine years ...