Quality and performance – Page 54
Elective admissions fall again
Elective admissions fell to their lowest July rate in 10 years. It wasn’t a patch on winter’s torrid slowdown though. By Rob Findlay
Expert Briefing
Performance watch: running out of levers
Welcome to HSJ’s Performance Watch expert briefing. Our fortnightly newsletter on the most pressing performance matters troubling system leaders. Contact me in confidence here.
DGH drops back into special measures
A small rural trust has been put back in special measures after inspectors found a deterioration in quality since their last visit.
Trust launches independent review of A&E deaths
An acute trust has commissioned an independent review to examine patient deaths within its emergency services pathway, HSJ has learned.
Children's Commissioner calls for dramatic changes to CYP mental health service
The NHS should dramatically expand its mental health services for children and young people, as well as how the service as a whole interacts with under 18s, the Children’s Commissioner for England has told the HSJ.
Watchdog calls for national sexual safety guidance
The care quality watchdog is calling for national guidance on sexual safety on mental health units following an investigation into more than 1,000 reports of abuse and harassment.
Expert Briefing
Mental Health Matters: How much for mental health in long term plan?
This is HSJ’s fortnightly briefing covering quality, performance and finances in the mental health sector. Feedback and comments are welcome - email me in confidence.
CQC backtracks on ‘normal’ births
The Care Quality Commission has admitted that it was mistaken in promoting the “normality agenda” in maternity services.
Regulator sets out winter priorities
Regulators today sent out their latest winter orders to trusts and published a long-awaited review of the 2017-18 winter.
HSJ Local
Exclusive: 'Extremely concerning' A&E issued with fourth CQC notice
An accident and emergency department has been served with a fourth enforcement notice in nine months, after the Care Quality Commission said it continued to be “extremely concerned” about the care provided.
Trust waiting list soars after review
A specialist trust has seen its waiting list rise by a third – and uncovered an additional 115 52 week waiters – after a review revealed its reported figures were incomplete.
Private sector could do ‘extra 100,000 ops’
Private providers could carry out around 100,000 additional inpatient procedures by the end of the 2018-19 year, senior industry sources told HSJ, as the NHS grapples with its growing waiting list.
Spike in reports of sexual assault across mental health trusts
The number of staff and patients reporting being sexually abused by mental health patients has risen by nearly a fifth with more than 3,000 cases over the last five years, an HSJ investigation can reveal.
Exclusive: Regulator says IVF cuts put mothers and babies at risk
Commissioning restrictions on IVF treatment are putting the lives of mothers and babies at risk, according to a report commissioned by the official regulator and three major fertility organisations.
Exclusive: Dozens more maternity failings exposed at scandal hit trust
Dozens more cases of poor care have been uncovered at a hospital’s maternity service, which is already under investigation for failing 23 families, HSJ has learned.
HSJ Local
'Inadequate' trust teams up with neighbour
An “inadequate” trust has announced plans to collaborate with its neighbour over emergency care and transport services in a bid to improve quality.
Expert Briefing
Performance watch: An unenviable choice on elective waits
Welcome to HSJ’s Performance Watch expert briefing. Our fortnightly newsletter on the most pressing performance matters troubling system leaders. Contact me in confidence here.
Revealed: Hundreds of children wait more than a year for specialist help
Hundreds of young people assessed as needing specialist mental health treatment have been made to wait more than a year, an investigation by HSJ can reveal.
CQC tribunal win sparks community capacity fears
The care quality watchdog has won an appeal to stop a private care provider increasing the number of beds for people with learning difficulties.
Trust to review thousands of X-rays amid fears of harm
A Sussex trust is reviewing thousands of X-rays taken over the last six years which were not examined by radiologists at the time.