Quality and performance – Page 55
Private provider has third hospital placed in special measures
A private provider has had a third mental health hospital judged “inadequate” and placed in special measures by watchdog inspectors.
Expert Briefing
Performance Watch: The four hour target debate does not need to be binary
Welcome to HSJ’s Performance Watch expert briefing, James Illman’s fortnightly newsletter on the most pressing performance matters troubling system leaders. Contact me in confidence here.
New health secretary: Targets need to be 'clinically appropriate'
Health secretary Matt Hancock has told HSJ that flagship waiting time targets should be made more “clinically appropriate”.
CCGs to pump more money into wheelchair services
Commissioners in Kent and Medway are having to put extra money into a wheelchair contract after more than 330 people were left waiting more than a year.
Thousands of NHS patients put at risk of preventable strokes
Thousands of patients are being put at risk of preventable strokes leading to death and life long disability because of poor management by the NHS, HSJ has been told.
Radiology backlog a 'potential key risk' for trusts: CQC chief
Trust boards must recognise backlogs of unreported radiology images as “a potential key risk” and take action immediately, the chief inspector of hospitals has warned.
Private hospital judged 'inadequate' for safety
A private mental health hospital which treats NHS funded patients including children has been judged inadequate for safety by CQC inspectors.
A&E, RTT and cancer waits - June 2018: explore the maps
NHS waiting lists around England, updated.
GIRFT announces first mental health clinical lead
The Getting It Right First Time programme has today announced four new clinical leads, including its first for the mental health sector.
Patients 'pressurised' into treatment to hit cancer target
GIRFT report finds some clinicians believe patients “pressurised” into unnecessary treatment to hit target Small number of providers “demoralised” by “constant failing” at targets despite doing their best for patients Report recommends networking services Some prostate cancer patients are “pressurised into receiving treatment within 62 days” even where ...
Young people stuck in mental health services 'void', says HSIB
The long term plan for the health service must address the “void” which leaves young people with serious mental health problems unable to access support when they turn 18, according to a new report.
HSJ Awards
HSJ Patient Safety Awards 2018: Organisation of the Year
Winner Central London Community Healthcare Trust: Simply the best, every time
The essentiality of safe space
Safe space within the Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch is the antidote for toxins created by poor leadership, weak governance, misguided regulation and adversarial processes like complaints and litigation. By Scott Morrish
CQC appoints deputy chief inspector of hospitals
The Care Quality Commission has appointed a new deputy chief inspector of hospitals.
Only one crisis team out of 180 meeting national guidance
Only one mental health crisis team in the country is meeting all the national staffing and access standards, according to a new study.
Responding to the danger signs of CAMHS in trouble
Mental healthcare and treatment, for children and young people in particular, has historically been the ‘poor relation’ of the NHS, writes Dr Nick Wagget
The NHS at 70: same, same but different?
Looking at a broad range of data, new health trends have emerged over the past seven decades leading to changing patient demands and fluctuating satisfaction levels with the NHS, notes Gillian Prior
Behan: Ignoring staff concerns could trigger the next Mid Staffs
The next care scandal in the NHS will be caused by a failure to listen to frontline concerns raised by NHS staff, Sir David Behan has warned.
Flagship learning difficulty programme branded a "failure"
A flagship national programme to move people with learning difficulties out of hospital has been branded a “failure” by a former minister after it emerged areas were struggling to set up specialist community services.
HSJ Local
Managers ‘consumed by operational issues’ as trust remains in special measures
Executives at an NHS trust have told the Care Quality Commission they are ”consumed by operational issues” with the regulator recommeding it remain in special measures.