Quality and performance – Page 84
HSJ Local
NMC probe midwife sacked after new Morecambe Bay death
Midwife linked to death of Joshua Titcombe in 2008 dismissed after new death Trust disciplinary hearing concluded her “conduct fell fundamentally below acceptable standards” Nursing and Midwifery Council fitness to practise hearing expected to reconvene next week PATIENT SAFETY: A midwife due to face a Nursing and Midwifery ...
Private health boss accuses NHS of 'delusion'
The chief executive of England’s biggest private hospital group has said the NHS is in a similar position to the British car industry before its collapse.
HSJ Knowledge
Patient nutrition: Hungry for change
No one doubts the importance of nutrition in maintaining health and tackling long term conditions but its low priority in the NHS means access is patchy at best. Claire Read asks why this is and what can be done to raise its profile
We have the best ever view of quality in hospitals – so what’s next?
The NHS now has unprecedented information about care quality in hospitals, so what will it do with it?
Specialist trusts score highest across patient experience survey
HSJ analysis identifies the trusts with the best overall performance in patient experience survey Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital had the best results No hospitals with an A&E department made the top 10 Patients have said Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital Foundation Trust provides the best patient experience ...
Survey analysis: Trusts scoring worst across patient experience survey
Analysis identifies the trusts which had the worst scores in patient experience survey Croydon Health Services Trust performed the worst across the most sections in the survey Medway performed second worst and remains in special measures HSJ analysis has identified the trusts which saw the worst results across ...
Analysis: The 10 trusts with most improved patient experience
HSJ analysis shows the trusts where patient experience improved in the most areas of the national inpatient experience survey year on year Hinchingbrooke Health Care Trust came top of in list of most improved trusts Top two most improved trusts both in special measures HSJ analysis has identified ...
Expert Briefing
Deep South: The state of care in the South West
Weekly updates and essential insight into the NHS in the South West, by Will Hazell
Exclusive: Babies 'dying unnecessarily' due to flawed funding system
Flawed system for funding fetal medicine leading to “morbidity and mortality” among women and babies, doctors warn London units have identified multiple cases of “avoidable harm” because of change in referral patterns Specialist units losing money as less than 10 per cent of bills for referrals being paid ...
Seven-day services for emergency care can increase efficiency
How seven-day emergency care services can reap benefits in the long run.
Expert Briefing
Lintern’s Risk Register: Why Nottingham favours in-house experts over consultancies
Everything you need to stay up to date on patient safety and workforce, plus my take on the most important under-the-radar stories. From patient safety correspondent Shaun Lintern
Patient Safety Awards shortlist announced
The shortlist for the 2016 Patient Safety Awards has been revealed.
HSJ Local
18 week waits, April 2016: explore the maps
NHS waiting lists around England, updated for April 2016
HSJ Local
Southern Health admits 'unlawful acts' in relation to Sparrowhawk death
Southern Health Foundation Trust formally accepts responsibility for death of Connor Sparrowhawk Mr Sparrowhawk, who had epilepsy, drowned in a bath following a seizure while in the care of Southern Health The trust admits it caused his death, was negligent and violated Mr Sparrowhawk and his family’s human rights ...
Taking mental health a step beyond primary care
A new mental health service delivers integrated care to complex patients who have not historically been well served
Analysis: More than half of trusts 'require improvement'
HSJ analysis of all CQC trust ratings published as regulator completes its inspection of all acute trusts More than half of trusts rated requires improvement No trust currently rated outstanding for safety or inadequate for caring Explore HSJ’s interactive map HSJ has mapped and analysed every inspection rating ...
Mapped: Every CQC trust rating so far
HSJ has mapped every inspection rating the Care Quality Commission has handed out to NHS trusts in England to date.
It is unlikely the 18 week target will ever be achieved again
The English waiting list grew more rapidly than expected in April, and it looks like we have passed a crucial milestone.
HSJ Local
Trust's A&E rated inadequate after damning inspection
Portsmouth Hospitals Trust given inadequate rating by CQC for its A&E CQC staff “had to intervene to keep patients safe” while carrying out inspection Four conditions placed on the trust’s registration PERFORMANCE: A hospital trust has been rated inadequate for urgent and emergency services after unannounced CQC inspections ...